如何使用依赖jar文件中的maven war插件排除配置文件

时间:2015-03-20 15:55:45

标签: maven maven-war-plugin




现在当我制作war文件时,WEB-INF/lib文件夹包含其他依赖项jars以及LmsProxy-0.0.1.jarStoreFrontProxy-0.0.1.jar文件。现在我想要LmsProxy-0.0.1.jarStoreFrontProxy-0.0.1.jar,我排除了包含.vm, .xml and .properties file的所有资源。实际上在我的LmsProxy-0.0.1.jar文件中,我有关于Web服务和数据库的属性文件。同样在我的StoreFrontProxy-0.0.1.jar我有关于Web服务的属性文件。



如何使用maven war plugin或任何其他插件执行此操作。我看到maven-overlay-plugin但我认为它只适用于战争类型依赖。我有类型为JAR的依赖项。


修改 -------------







<!--  uses maven-dependency-plugin to copy all dependencies to "target/lms-proxy-dependency-jars/" 
              folder, and defines the dependency classpath with maven-jar-plugin 
                            org.springframework, org.springframework.ws, org.springframework.data, 
                            org.springframework.security, org.aspectj, javax.servlet, javax.servlet.jsp, 
                            javax.inject, javax.validation, org.hibernate, org.jadira.usertype, 
                            com.microsoft.sqlserver, joda-time, com.google.guava, org.apache.httpcomponents,
                            org.apache.commons, com.fasterxml.jackson.core, com.fasterxml.jackson.module, 
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype, org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons, org.slf4j, log4j,
                            org.hamcrest, junit, org.mockito, com.jayway.jsonpath

        <!-- To make jar file like a exe file, you need to define a manifest file and declare the application
             entry point inside via maven-jar-plugin in pom.xml. 

             - create executable JAR with the specified mainClass
             - exclude all .properties files located in src/main/resources from the JAR
             - add conf folder to the manifest, providing access to it from your executable JAR

            <!-- The configuration of the plugin -->


                <!-- Configuration of the archiver -->

                    <!-- Manifest specific configuration -->

                        <!-- Classpath is added to the manifest of the created jar file. -->

                           Configures the classpath prefix. This configuration option is
                           used to specify that all needed libraries are found under Lms-Proxy-Dependency-jars/

                           Use “classpathPrefix” to specify folder name in which all properties will be placed.

                        <!-- Specifies the main class of the application -->

                    <!-- Use “Class-Path” to specify the folder. “.” Indicate current folder, while 
                         “propertiesFiles” specifies “propertiesFiles” folder in same directory as JAR. 

        <!-- copy all .properties, .xml and .vm files located in src/main/resources into a conf folder in your project root. Note that this 
             step is an optional convenience for your users of the JAR. You can require the explicitly create this file in the 
             conf directory. This conf directory is effectively added to your runtime classpath via the manifest. 

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