
时间:2015-03-22 19:54:17

标签: arrays visual-c++ heap-memory

我们刚刚在课堂上学习heap,教授希望我们创建一个Rational类型的数组,这只是一类带有运算符的Rational数字,如+ - * /已经超载。我的程序似乎工作,但最后崩溃,并给我一个错误。我认为这个错误与内存泄漏有关,但我不知道发生了什么。一些帮助将不胜感激。我正在使用Microsoft Visual Studio 2013。

错误: 调试断言失败!

Program: G:\....\Lab6.exe
File: f:\dd\vtools\crt\crtw32\misc\dbgdel.cpp
Line: 52

Expression: _BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID(pHead->nBlockUse)

For information on how your program can cause an assertion failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts.


#include "RationalArray.h"
#include "Rational.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

Rational CalculateMean(RationalArray &numbers);

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
   RationalArray arr(5);

   cout << "arr[0] = " << arr[0] << endl; // what should this print?

   arr[1] = Rational(3, -5);
   cout << "arr[1] = " << arr[1] << endl << endl;

   arr[2] = Rational(8, -2);
   arr[3] = Rational(12, 9);
   arr[4] = Rational(22, 14);

   RationalArray copy(arr);
   cout << "copy[0] = " << copy[0] << endl;
   cout << "arr[0] = " << arr[0] << endl;

   try {
      cout << "Accessing arr out of bounds " << endl;
      cout << arr[5] << endl;
   catch (std::out_of_range &ex) {
      cout << "Caught the exception" << endl << endl;

   RationalArray larger(100);
   cout << "Remember, all objects in an array are default constructed." << endl;
   cout << "So larger[10] should = ... " << larger[10] << endl << endl;

   larger = arr;
   cout << "Now that arr has been deep-assigned into larger, larger's size is "
      << "...  " << larger.Size() << ";" << endl
      << "   and its index 0 is " << larger[0] << endl << endl;

   cout << "larger[0] = " << larger[0] << endl;
   cout << "arr[0] = " << arr[0] << endl << endl;

   // TO FINISH THIS ASSIGNMENT, you must implement the CalculateMean function
   // below, so that this code correctly outputs the mean value of the five
   // numbers in arr.
   Rational average = CalculateMean(arr);
   cout << "The average of ";
   for (int i = 0; i < arr.Size(); i++) {
      cout << arr[i];
      if (i < arr.Size() - 1)
         cout << ", ";
   cout << " is " << average << endl;

Rational CalculateMean(RationalArray &numbers) {
   Rational sum;
   for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Size(); i++){
      sum = sum + numbers[i];
   Rational size(numbers.Size(), 1);
   sum = sum / size;
   return sum;


#include <iostream>
#include "Rational.h"
#include "RationalArray.h"

using namespace std;

RationalArray::RationalArray(int size)
   : mSize(size)
   mArray = new Rational [mSize];

// Destructor: clean up any memory placed on the heap by this object.
RationalArray::~RationalArray() {
   delete[] mArray;

// Copy constructor: make a deep copy of the parameter's array.
RationalArray::RationalArray(const RationalArray &other)
   : mSize(other.mSize)
   Rational *rat = other.mArray;
   mArray = rat;

// Assignment operator: make a deep copy of the rhs parameter. This will 
// override any array currently held by this object; do not leak the old
// array!
RationalArray& RationalArray::operator=(const RationalArray& rhs) {
   if (this == &rhs)
      return *this;
   delete mArray;
   mSize = rhs.mSize;
   if (rhs.mArray != nullptr){
      Rational *rat = rhs.mArray;
      mArray = rat;
      mArray = nullptr;
   return *this;

// Indexing operator: given an index, return the value at that index in 
// mArray. Should throw std::out_of_range from <stdexcept> if the rhs index
// is not in bounds of the array.
Rational& RationalArray::operator[](int rhs) {
   if ( rhs > (mSize-1) )
      throw out_of_range("Out of range.");
   return *(mArray+rhs);


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include "Rational.h"

using namespace std;
void Rational::Normalize(){
   int gcd = 0;
   int num = mNumerator;
   int den = mDenominator;
   if (num < 0)
      num *= -1;
   if (den < 0)
      den *= -1;
   for (int i = 1; i <= num && i <= den; i++){
      if (num % i == 0 && den % i == 0)
         gcd = i;
   mNumerator /= gcd;
   mDenominator /= gcd;

   :mNumerator(0), mDenominator(1)

Rational::Rational(int num, int den)
   : mNumerator(num), mDenominator(den)

Rational::Rational(const Rational &other)
   : mDenominator(other.mDenominator), mNumerator(other.mNumerator)

int Rational::GetDenominator() const{
   return mDenominator;

int Rational::GetNumerator() const{
   return mNumerator;

void Rational::SetDenominator(int newDen){
   mDenominator = newDen;

void Rational::SetNumerator(int newNum){
   mNumerator = newNum;

bool Rational::Equals(const Rational &other) const {
   if (other.GetNumerator() == mNumerator &&
      other.GetDenominator() == mDenominator)
      return true;
   return false;

Rational Rational::Add(const Rational &other) const {
   int newNum = (mNumerator * other.GetDenominator())
      + (other.GetNumerator() * mDenominator);
   int newDen = mDenominator * other.GetDenominator();
   Rational newRat(newNum, newDen);
   return newRat;

std::string Rational::ToString() const {
   std::ostringstream out;
   if (mDenominator == 0) {
      out << mNumerator;
      return out.str();
   if (mDenominator < 0) {
      out << (mNumerator*-1) << "/" << (mDenominator*-1);
      return out.str();
   else {
      out << mNumerator << "/" << mDenominator;
      return out.str();

void Rational::operator=(const Rational &other) {
   mNumerator = other.GetNumerator();
   mDenominator = other.GetDenominator();

Rational operator+(const Rational &lhs, const Rational &rhs) {
   Rational r = lhs.Add(rhs);
   return r;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &lhs, const Rational &rhs) {
   lhs << rhs.ToString();
   return lhs;

void Rational::operator-() {
   mNumerator *= -1;

Rational operator-(const Rational &lhs, const Rational &rhs) {
   int newNum = (lhs.GetNumerator() * rhs.GetDenominator())
      - (rhs.GetNumerator() * lhs.GetDenominator());
   int newDen = lhs.GetDenominator() * rhs.GetDenominator();
   Rational newRat(newNum, newDen);
   return newRat;

Rational operator*(const Rational &lhs, const Rational &rhs) {
   int newNum = lhs.GetNumerator() * rhs.GetNumerator();
   int newDen = lhs.GetDenominator() * rhs.GetDenominator();
   Rational newRat(newNum, newDen);
   return newRat;

Rational operator/(const Rational &lhs, const Rational &rhs) {
   int newNum = lhs.GetNumerator() * rhs.GetDenominator();
   int newDen = lhs.GetDenominator() * rhs.GetNumerator();
   Rational newRat(newNum, newDen);
   return newRat;

bool operator==(const Rational &lhs, const Rational &rhs) {
   return lhs.Equals(rhs);

bool operator!=(const Rational &lhs, const Rational &rhs) {
   return !lhs.Equals(rhs);

bool operator<(const Rational &lhs, const Rational &rhs) {
   int num = lhs.GetNumerator() - rhs.GetNumerator();
   if (num < 0)
      return true;
      return false;

bool operator>(const Rational &lhs, const Rational &rhs) {
   int num = lhs.GetNumerator() - rhs.GetNumerator();
   if (num > 0)
      return true;
      return false;

bool operator<=(const Rational &lhs, const Rational &rhs) {
   int num = lhs.GetNumerator() - rhs.GetNumerator();
   if (num <= 0)
      return true;
      return false;

bool operator>=(const Rational &lhs, const Rational &rhs) {
   int num = lhs.GetNumerator() - rhs.GetNumerator();
   if (num >= 0)
      return true;
      return false;

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