
时间:2015-03-26 20:40:50

标签: image algorithm image-processing colors pixel

我有多边形的图像。这些多边形有黑线。我需要一种方法来删除这些黑色线条与最小的多边形改变。 到目前为止我尝试了什么:

Step 1) parse the image from the top left corner to the bottom right corner(line by line).
Step 2) Loop through each pixel of a line/row.
Step 3) If you encounter a non-black pixel, put the color value of it in 
        a variable (lets call it lastNonBlack). 
Step 4) If you encounter a black pixel, just overwrite it's color value with lastNonBlack.


enter image description here

enter image description here




enter image description here


5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



examples of nearest neighbor

让我们看看X.如果我们在像素X(右下角)并且想要决定这个像素应该是什么颜色?我们看看它周围的像素并做一个小投票。我们的结构元素是一个以像素X为中心的7x7邻域,我们看到它是green=24, black=7, white = 18,因为大多数像素是绿色像素X应该是绿色。

这样效果很好,接下来的问题是我们的结构元素有多大?它应该与线的最大尺寸成比例。我认为它应该是2*max_line_width + 1加1是使它变得奇怪(降低了绑定的可能性,并防止拖尾)。为什么这么大?因为它比线大,所以这意味着一条线不会对像素造成太大的影响。但它足够小,信息仍然与像素相关。让我们看一些例子。

像素Y(右上角)最大线宽= 1。像素Y应该是什么颜色? green=8, black=5, white =12所以Y应该是白色的。但这是不正确的,当尺寸太大时,这是一个常见的错误。如果我们使用3x3邻域,我们得到这个green=3,black=3,white=3你必须以某种方式在这里做出判断。但你可以看到它不会被错误地归类

无论您选择什么尺寸,边角都会出现问题。看像素Z 3x3 Z =黑色,5x5 z =黑色,7x7 z =黑色。所以这种方法并不完美,但效果相当不错。

为了讨论另一种形状,亚历山德鲁提到了一个t形状 enter image description here


答案 1 :(得分:1)

您可以尝试对图像进行某种侵蚀。选择最适合您所用行类型的Structure Element

我会选择两条线,一条垂直线和一条水平线。 要解决您的特定图像,您可以选择尺寸3:

[l][c][r]         [t]
            and   [c]

其中c是中心像素,而lr分别是左右邻居,tb - 顶部和底部。将解决方案调整为更大的"问题你必须选择更长的SE,我会建议maxBlackLineWidth + 2(或+3使得总和是奇数)。


For pixel in blackPixel 
    #find the major principle axes of the line
    map(Points) visited = bfs(pixel, depth = k)
    #adjust k depending on predicted line width
    x,y = regressionVector(visited) #direction of vector doesn't matter

    x,y = -y,x #perpendicular to that vector
    loop across (x,y) direction from pixel: count black pixel
    loop across (-x,-y,) direction from pixel: count black pixel
    #the sum of the black pixel is the width, record max

要在垂直向量上循环,您可以调整Bresenham's line algorithm


For pixel in blackPixels
    rc = redPixelCount(vertical(pixel))
    rc += redPixelCount(horizontal(pixel))
    wc = whitePixelCount(vertical(pixel))
    wc += whitePixelCount(horizontal(pixel))
    pixel = rc > wc ? red : white


答案 2 :(得分:1)




convert in.png -transparent black mask.png

enter image description here


convert in.png -median 7x7 median.png

enter image description here


convert median.png mask.png -composite result.png

enter image description here

答案 3 :(得分:1)

我会创建一个"投票"解。迭代图像并将黑色像素的颜色更改为像素附近的最常用颜色。这是一个" Java代码":

class Pixel
    private int R;
    private int G;
    private int B;


    public int getR() { return R; }
    public int getG() { return G; }
    public int getB() { return B; }

    public boolean equalWithPixel(Pixel p)
        return ( (this.getR() == p.getR()) &&
                 (this.getG() == p.getG()) &&
                 (this.getB() == p.getB()) );


class Solution
    public static Pixel[][] removeBlackLine(Pixel[][] image)
        //Get size
        int N = image.length;
        int M = image[0].length;

        //Init result
        Pixel[][] result = new Pixel[N][M];

        //Iteration over all pixels
        for (int y = 0; y < N; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < M; x++)
                //Get pixel value
                int R = image[y][x].getR();
                int G = image[y][x].getG();
                int B = image[y][x].getB();

                //Check color
                if ( (R == 0) && (G == 0) && (B == 0) ) //Black
                    result[y][x] = Solution.neighbourPixel(image, y, x);
                else //Other color
                    result[y][x] = new Pixel(R, G, B);

    private static void neighbourPixel(Pixel[][] image, int y, int x)
        //Init pixel list
        ArrayList<Pixel> pixels = new ArrayList<Pixel>();
        ArrayList<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<Integer>();

        //Get size
        int N = image.length;
        int M = image[0].length;

        //Check all pixels
        for (int j = y - 1; y <= y + 1; j++)
            //Check index
            if ( (j < 0) || (j >= N) ) continue;

            for (int i = x - 1; i <= x + 1; i++)
                //Check index
                if ( (i < 0) || (i >= M) ) continue;
                if ( (i == x) && (j == y) ) continue;

                //Get pixel
                Pixel pixel = image[j][i];

                //Check that it is black or not
                if ( (pixel.getR() == 0) &&
                     (pixel.getG() == 0) &&
                     (pixel.getB() == 0) )

                //Check pixel
                int index = 0;
                boolean found = false;
                for (Pixel p : pixels)
                    if (p.equalWithPixel(pixel))
                        found = true;
                if (found)
                    numbers[index] = numbers[index] + 1;

        //Find most freq. pixel
        int imax = -1;
        int max = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++)
            if (numbers[i] > max)
                max = numbers[i];
                imax = i;
        if (imax >= 0)
            Pixel best = pixels[imax];
            Pixel best = new Pixel(0, 0, 0);

        return new Pixel(best.getR(), best.getG(), best.getB());

答案 4 :(得分:1)

我会选择中值滤波器方法,下面显示c ++代码。你可以传递1x1,3x3,5x5,7x7的内核大小,根据你的需要为你提供不同的结果(图像类型) )。

// inputImage = std :: vector,kernalSize = 3,width = 256,height = 256 //

 std::vector<double> medianFilter(std::vector<double> inputImage, double kernalSize,int width, int height)
       /* Fill all the values to output image */
       vector<double> outImage = inputImage;
      for(int y = kernalSize; y < height - kernalSize; y++)
         for(int x = kernalSize; x < width - kernalSize; x++)
           std::vector<double> tempList;
           for(int i = - kernalSize; i <= kernalSize; i++)
               for(int j = -kernalSize; j <= kernalSize; j++)
                   double pixelValue = inputImage[(y+j)*width + (x+i)];
            double newPixelValue = tempList[tempList.size()/2];
            outImage[y*width + x] = newPixelValue;
      return outImage;          