
时间:2015-03-28 18:23:05

标签: python numpy

我有一个1000 * 1000的numpy数组,其中包含100万个值,其创建方式如下:

>>import numpy as np
>>data = np.loadtxt('space_data.txt')
>> print (data)
>>[[ 13.  15.  15. ...,  15.  15.  16.]
   [ 14.  13.  14. ...,  13.  15.  16.]
   [ 16.  13.  13. ...,  13.  15.  17.]
   [ 14.   15.  14. ...,  14.  14.  13.]
   [ 15.   15.  16. ...,  16.  15.  14.]
   [ 14.   13.  16. ...,  16.  16.  16.]]


>> print(key)
>>[[ 10.,   S],
   [ 11.,   S],
   [ 12.,   S],
   [ 13.,   M],
   [ 14.,   L],
   [ 15.,   S],
   [ 16.,   S],
   [ 92.,   XL],
   [ 93.,   M],
   [ 94.,   XL],
   [ 95.,   S]]


>> print(data)
>>[[ M  S  S ...,  S  S  S]
   [ L   M  L ...,  M  S  S]
   [ S   M  M ...,  M  S  XL]
   [ L   S  L ...,  L  L  M]
   [ S   S  S ...,  S  S  L]
   [ L   M  S ...,  S  S  S]]

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

在Python中,dicts是从键映射到值的自然选择。 NumPy有 没有直接相当于一个字典。但它确实有可以进行快速整数索引的数组。例如,

In [153]: keyarray = np.array(['S','M','L','XL'])

In [158]: data = np.array([[0,2,1], [1,3,2]])

In [159]: keyarray[data]
array([['S', 'L', 'M'],
       ['M', 'XL', 'L']], 


In [161]: keyarray
array(['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'S', 'S', 'S', 'M', 'L',
       'S', 'S', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
       '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
       '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
       '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
       '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'XL', 'M', 'XL', 'S'], 

这样10个映射到' S'在keyarray[10]等于S的意义上,等等:

In [162]: keyarray[10]
Out[162]: 'S'


import numpy as np

data = np.array( [[ 13.,   15.,  15.,  15.,  15.,  16.],
                  [ 14.,   13.,  14.,  13.,  15.,  16.],
                  [ 16.,   13.,  13.,  13.,  15.,  17.],
                  [ 14.,   15.,  14.,  14.,  14.,  13.],
                  [ 15.,   15 ,  16.,  16.,  15.,  14.],
                  [ 14.,   13.,  16.,  16.,  16.,  16.]])

key = np.array([[ 10., 'S'],
                [ 11., 'S'],
                [ 12., 'S'],
                [ 13., 'M'],
                [ 14., 'L'],
                [ 15., 'S'],
                [ 16., 'S'],
                [ 17., 'XL'],
                [ 92., 'XL'],
                [ 93., 'M'],
                [ 94., 'XL'],
                [ 95., 'S']])

idx = np.array(key[:,0], dtype=float).astype(int)
n = idx.max()+1
keyarray = np.empty(n, dtype=key[:,1].dtype)
keyarray[:] = ''
keyarray[idx] = key[:,1]

data = data.astype('int')


[['M' 'S' 'S' 'S' 'S' 'S']
 ['L' 'M' 'L' 'M' 'S' 'S']
 ['S' 'M' 'M' 'M' 'S' 'XL']
 ['L' 'S' 'L' 'L' 'L' 'M']
 ['S' 'S' 'S' 'S' 'S' 'L']
 ['L' 'M' 'S' 'S' 'S' 'S']]

请注意,data = data.astype('int')假设data中的浮点数可以唯一地映射到int。这似乎是您的数据的情况,但任意浮点数都不是这样。例如,astype('int')将1.0和1.5地图映射为1.

In [167]: np.array([1.0, 1.5]).astype('int')
Out[167]: array([1, 1])

答案 1 :(得分:3)


dct = dict(keys)
# new array is required if dtype is different or it it cannot be casted
new_array = np.empty(data.shape, dtype=str)
for index in np.arange(data.size):
    index = np.unravel_index(index, data.shape)
    new_array[index] = dct[data[index]] 

答案 2 :(得分:1)

import numpy as np

data = np.array([[ 13.,  15.,  15.],
   [ 14.,  13.,  14. ],
   [ 16.,  13.,  13. ]])

key = [[ 10.,   'S'],
   [ 11.,   'S'],
   [ 12.,   'S'],
   [ 13.,   'M'],
   [ 14.,   'L'],
   [ 15.,   'S'],
   [ 16.,   'S']]

data2 = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=str)

for k in key:
    data2[data == k[0]] = k[1]

答案 3 :(得分:0)

# Create a dataframe out of your 'data' array and make a dictionary out of your 'key' array. 
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

data = np.array([[ 13.,  15.,  15.],
               [ 14.,  13.,  14. ],
               [ 16.,  13.,  13. ]])
data_df = pd.DataFrame(data)
key  = dict({10 : 'S',11 : 'S', 12 : 'S', 13 : 'M',14:'L',15:'S',16:'S'})
# Replace the values in newly created dataframe and convert that into array.
data_df.replace(key,inplace = True)

data = np.array(data_df)


[['M' 'S' 'S']
['L' 'M' 'L']
['S' 'M' 'M']]