
时间:2015-03-30 07:40:15

标签: jquery html

function print_today() {
  var now = new Date();
  var date = ((now.getDate()<10) ? "0" : "")+ now.getDate();
  var months = new Array('Januari','Februari','Maart','April','Mei','Juni','Juli','Augustus','September','Oktober','November','December');
  function fourdigits(number) {
    return (number < 1000) ? number + 1900 : number;
  var today =  date + " " + months[now.getMonth()] + " " + (fourdigits(now.getYear()));
  return today;

// from http://www.mediacollege.com/internet/javascript/number/round.html
function roundNumber(number,decimals) {
  var newString;// The new rounded number
  decimals = Number(decimals);
  if (decimals < 1) {
    newString = (Math.round(number)).toString();
  } else {
    var numString = number.toString();
    if (numString.lastIndexOf(".") == -1) {// If there is no decimal point
      numString += ".";// give it one at the end
    var cutoff = numString.lastIndexOf(".") + decimals;// The point at which to truncate the number
    var d1 = Number(numString.substring(cutoff,cutoff+1));// The value of the last decimal place that we'll end up with
    var d2 = Number(numString.substring(cutoff+1,cutoff+2));// The next decimal, after the last one we want
    if (d2 >= 5) {// Do we need to round up at all? If not, the string will just be truncated
      if (d1 == 9 && cutoff > 0) {// If the last digit is 9, find a new cutoff point
        while (cutoff > 0 && (d1 == 9 || isNaN(d1))) {
          if (d1 != ".") {
            cutoff -= 1;
            d1 = Number(numString.substring(cutoff,cutoff+1));
          } else {
            cutoff -= 1;
      d1 += 1;
    if (d1 == 10) {
      numString = numString.substring(0, numString.lastIndexOf("."));
      var roundedNum = Number(numString) + 1;
      newString = roundedNum.toString() + '.';
    } else {
      newString = numString.substring(0,cutoff) + d1.toString();
  if (newString.lastIndexOf(".") == -1) {// Do this again, to the new string
    newString += ".";
  var decs = (newString.substring(newString.lastIndexOf(".")+1)).length;
  for(var i=0;i<decimals-decs;i++) newString += "0";
  //var newNumber = Number(newString);// make it a number if you like
  return newString; // Output the result to the form field (change for your purposes)

function update_btw(){
	var percentage = parseInt($("#Btw option:selected" ).val());
	$(".cost").html("" + percentage);

function update_total(){
  var subtotal = 0;
  var NewBtw = 0;
  var Totaal = 0;
    price = $(this).html().replace("&euro;","");
    if (!isNaN(price)) subtotal += Number(price);

 subtotal = parseFloat(roundNumber(subtotal,2));
 NewBtw = roundNumber(NewBtw,2);
 Totaal = roundNumber(Totaal,2);

 var percentage = parseInt($('.btw').val());
 NewBtw = parseFloat(subtotal * (percentage / 100));
 Totaal = parseFloat(subtotal + NewBtw);


function update_balance() {
  var due = $("#total").html();
  due = roundNumber(due,2);



function update_price() {
  var row = $(this).parents('.item-row');
  var price = row.find('.cost').val().replace("$","") * row.find('.qty').val();
  price = roundNumber(price,2);
  isNaN(price) ? row.find('.price').html("N/A") : row.find('.price').html(""+price);

function bind() {

$(document).ready(function() {


    $(".item-row:last").after('<tr class="item-row"><td class="item-name"><div class="delete-wpr"><textarea>Product</textarea><a class="delete" href="javascript:;" title="Verwijder">X</a></div></td><td class="description"><textarea>Omschrijving</textarea></td><td><textarea class="cost">0</textarea></td><td><textarea class="qty">0</textarea></td><td><span class="ExclPrice">650,00</span></td><td><textarea class="btw">0%</textarea></td><td><span class="price">0</span></td></tr>');
    if ($(".delete").length > 0) $(".delete").show();
    if ($(".delete").length < 2) $(".delete").hide();
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#address { position:absolute; top:200px; width: 250px; height: 150px; text-align:left;  float: left; }
#customer { overflow: hidden; }

#logo { text-align: right; float: left; position: relative; margin-top: 25px; border: 1px solid #fff; max-width: 540px; max-height: 100px; overflow: hidden; }
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#logohelp input { margin-bottom: 5px; }
.edit #logohelp { display: block; }
.edit #save-logo, .edit #cancel-logo { display: inline; }
.edit #image, #save-logo, #cancel-logo, .edit #change-logo, .edit #delete-logo { display: none; }

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#meta td { text-align: right;  }
#meta td.meta-head { text-align: left; background: #eee; }
#meta td textarea { width: 100%; height: 20px; text-align: right; }

#items { clear: both; width: 100%; margin: 80px 0 0 0; border: 1px solid black; }
#items th { background: #eee; }
#items textarea { width: 80px; height: 50px; }
#items tr.item-row td { border: 0; vertical-align: top; }
#items td.description { width: 300px; }
#items td.item-name { width: 175px; }
#items td.description textarea, #items td.item-name textarea { width: 100%; }
#items td.total-line { border-right: 0; text-align: right; }
#items td.total-value { border-left: 0; padding: 10px; }
#items td.total-value textarea { height: 20px; background: none; }
#items td.balance { background: #eee; }
#items td.blank { border: 0; }

#terms { text-align: center; margin: 20px 0 0 0; }
#terms h5 { text-transform: uppercase; font: 13px Helvetica, Sans-Serif; letter-spacing: 10px; border-bottom: 1px solid black; padding: 0 0 8px 0; margin: 0 0 8px 0; }
#terms textarea { width: 100%; text-align: center;}

textarea:hover, textarea:focus, #items td.total-value textarea:hover, #items td.total-value textarea:focus, .delete:hover { background-color:#EEFF88; }

.delete-wpr { position: relative; }
.delete { display: block; color: #000; text-decoration: none; position: absolute; background: #EEEEEE; font-weight: bold; padding: 0px 3px; border: 1px solid; top: -6px; left: -22px; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; }
  <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.2.3/jquery.min.js"></script>

		<table id="items">
		      <th>Price per qty</th>
			  <th>Price no tax</th>
		      <th>Price with tax</th>
		  <tr class="item-row">
		      <td class="item-name"><div class="delete-wpr"><textarea>Hardware</textarea><a class="delete" href="javascript:;" title="Remove row">X</a></div></td>
		      <td class="description"><textarea>reperation</textarea></td>
		      <td><textarea class="cost">&euro;650,00</textarea></td>
		      <td><textarea class="qty">1</textarea></td>
			  <td><span class="ExclPrice">&euro;650,00</span></td>
			  <td><textarea class="btw">0%</textarea></td>
		      <td><span class="price">&euro;650,00</span></td>
		  <tr id="hiderow">
		    <td colspan="7"><a id="addrow" href="javascript:;" title="Add a row"><img src="../img/icons/icon-add-product.png"></a></td>
		      <td colspan="2" class="blank"></td>
		      <td colspan="4" class="total-line">Totaal</td>
		      <td class="total-value"><div id="total"></div></td>

大家好,当我想在我的html Jquery发票中计算税时,我遇到了问题。当我想在第二行中添加第二行时,问题就出现了,用户已将21%放入第二行,而在第二行中,第二行将计算21%。我还在链接中查看问题和代码。

function update_total() {
  var subtotal = 0;

  $('.price').each(function(i) {
    price = $(this).html().replace("&euro;", "");
    if (!isNaN(price)) subtotal += Number(price);

  subtotal = parseFloat(roundNumber(subtotal, 2));

  var percentage = parseInt($('.btw').val());

  var BtwPercentage = parseFloat(price * (percentage / 100));

  var InclBtw = parseFloat(price) + parseFloat(BtwPercentage);

  $('.ExclPrice').html("&euro;" + subtotal);

  $('.price').html("&euro;" + InclBtw);


function update_balance() {
  var due = $("#total").html();
  due = roundNumber(due, 2);

  $('.due').html("&euro;" + due);


function update_price() {
  var row = $(this).parents('.item-row');
  var price = row.find('.cost').val().replace("$", "") * row.find('.qty').val();
  price = roundNumber(price, 2);
  isNaN(price) ? row.find('.price').html("N/A") : row.find('.price').html("" + price);


function bind() {

$(document).ready(function() {

  $('input').click(function() {


  $("#addrow").click(function() {
    $(".item-row:last").after('<tr class="item-row"><td class="item-name"><div class="delete-wpr"><textarea>Product</textarea><a class="delete" href="javascript:;" title="Verwijder">X</a></div></td><td class="description"><textarea>Omschrijving</textarea></td><td><textarea class="cost">0</textarea></td><td><textarea class="qty">0</textarea></td><td><span class="ExclPrice">650,00</span></td><td><textarea class="btw">0%</textarea></td><td><span class="price">0</span></td></tr>');
    if ($(".delete").length > 0) $(".delete").show();


  $(".delete").live('click', function() {
    if ($(".delete").length < 2) $(".delete").hide();

  $("#cancel-logo").click(function() {
  $("#delete-logo").click(function() {
  $("#change-logo").click(function() {
  $("#save-logo").click(function() {
    $("#image").attr('src', $("#imageloc").val());


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          margin: 0 0 8px 0;
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<div id="page-wrap">

  <textarea id="header">FC-IT</textarea>

  <div id="identity">

    <textarea id="address"></textarea>

    <div id="logo">

      <div id="logoctr">
        <a href="javascript:;" id="change-logo" title="Change logo">Change Logo</a>
        <a href="javascript:;" id="save-logo" title="Save changes">Save</a>
        <a href="javascript:;" id="delete-logo" title="Delete logo">Delete Logo</a>
        <a href="javascript:;" id="cancel-logo" title="Cancel changes">Cancel</a>

      <div id="logohelp">
        <input id="imageloc" type="text" size="50" value="" />
        <br />(max width: 540px, max height: 100px)
      <img id="image" src="../img/Logo.png" alt="logo" />


  <div style="clear:both"></div>

  <div id="customer">
    <table id="meta">
        <td class="meta-head">Kvk</td>
        <td class="meta-head">BTW nummer</td>
        <td class="meta-head">Bankrekeningnummer</td>
        <td class="meta-head">Invoice #</td>
            <?php $Datum=D ate( "Y"); $Teken="-" ; $num=1 ; echo $Datum, $Teken; printf( "%03d", $num);?>

        <td class="meta-head">Datum</td>
          <textarea id="date">December 15, 2009</textarea>



  <table id="items">

      <th>Price per qty</th>
      <th>Price with no tax</th>
      <th>Price with tax</th>

    <tr class="item-row">
      <td class="item-name">
        <div class="delete-wpr">
          <textarea>Hardware</textarea><a class="delete" href="javascript:;" title="Remove row">X</a>
      <td class="description">
        <textarea class="cost">&euro;650,00</textarea>
        <textarea class="qty">1</textarea>
      <td><span class="ExclPrice">&euro;650,00</span>
        <textarea class="btw">0%</textarea>
      <td><span class="price">&euro;650,00</span>

    <tr id="hiderow">
      <td colspan="7">
        <a id="addrow" href="javascript:;" title="Add a row">
          <img src="../img/icons/icon-add-product.png">
      <td colspan="2" class="blank"></td>
      <td colspan="4" class="total-line">Totaal</td>
      <td class="total-value">
        <div id="total"></div>

  <div id="terms">

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