学说2 OneToMany协会 - 级联从两侧坚持

时间:2015-03-30 22:35:32

标签: php doctrine-orm




<?php namespace MyPackage\Src {
    use \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayColleciton;
    class Calendar {

         * @OneToMany(targetEntity="MyPackage\Src\Event", mappedBy="calendarInstance", cascade={"all"})
        protected $associatedEvents;

        public function __construct(){
            $this->associatedEvents = new ArrayCollection();

        public function addEvent( Event $eventObj ){

        public function getEvents(){
            return $this->associatedEvents;

        // Assume entityManager() returns... an entity manager instance
        public function save(){
            return $this;


<?php namespace MyPackage\Src {
    class Event {

         * @ManyToOne(targetEntity="MyPackage\Src\Calendar", inversedBy="associatedEvents")
         * @JoinColumn(name="calendarID", referencedColumnName="id", nullable=false)
        protected $calendarInstance;

        public function setCalendarInstance( Calendar $calObj ){
            $this->calendarInstance = $calObj;

        // Assume entityManager() returns... an entity manager instance
        public function save(){
            return $this;

ORM的语义指出“Doctrine只会检查关联的拥有方是否有变化”(&lt; - 读取文档的证明)。因此,在创建新事件时执行以下操作(假设日历强制执行级联持久性,我已使用“all”设置),然后从日历实例获取ArrayCollection。

    // Assume this returns a successfully persisted entity...
    $cal = Calendar::getByID(1);
    // Create a new event
    $event = new Event();
    // Associate the event to the calendar
    // Yields expected results (ie. ArrayCollection is kept in-sync)
    echo count($cal->getEvents()); // "1"


    // Assume this returns a successfully persisted entity...
    $cal = Calendar::getByID(1);
    // Create a new event
    $event = new Event();
    $event->setTitle('Dewalt Power Tools');
    // Associate VIA EVENT
    // ArrayCollection in the Calendar instance is out of sync
    echo count($cal->getEvents()); // "0"

以这种方式保持事件 工作(它被保存到数据库) - 但是现在当尝试从日历访问相关事件时,实体管理器不同步。此外,可以理解为什么:在setCalendarInstance()类的Event方法中,所有发生的事情都是

$this->calendarInstance = $calendar;


$this->calendarInstance = $calendar;
if( ! $this->calendarInstance->getEvents()->contains($this) ){

但是,这感觉非常强烈,因为我正在打破正确的封装,这对我很重要。我是愚蠢的,并且可以在Calendar类之外->add()到Calendar实例的返回ArrayCollection吗? (多数民众赞成我的意思,这感觉不对; ArrayCollection是Calendar的受保护属性,我觉得不应该在外部修改。)


我是否应该强制仅从拥有方(日历)创建关联,并且不允许执行$event->setCalendarInstance()然后保存事件。这再次提出了关于封装的另一点,setCalendarInstance必须是一个公共方法才能使Calendar的addEvents()方法起作用(所以我如何防止一些可怜的灵魂继承我的代码库不正确地执行它) ?


**编辑** 更有趣的业务:走创建新事件的路线,传递日历实例,然后坚持新事件 - 这里似乎存在差异:

// Get an existing Calendar that has one Event
$calObj = Calendar::getByID(1);
echo count($calObj->getEvents()); // "1"

// Add from event side
$event = new Event();
$event->setTitle('Pinkys Brain');

// I would think this would be "2" now...
echo count($calObj->getEvents()); // Still "1"


// Get an existing Calendar that has one Event
$calObj = Calendar::getByID(1);
echo count($calObj->getEvents()); // "1"

// Add from event side
$event = new Event();
$event->setTitle('Pinkys Brain');

// Clear the entity manager on the existing $calObj

// Now get a NEW instance of the same calendar
$calObjAgain = Calendar::getByID(1);
echo count($calObjAgain->getEvents()); // "2"

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