
时间:2015-03-31 07:13:08

标签: r scatter-plot boxplot quantile


    Cell.ID Volume
1   025001G 2.08
2   025001G 0.30
3   025001G 0.99
4   025001G 0.60
5   025001G 0.43
6   025001G 0.24
7   025001G 0.59
8   025001R 1.74
9   025001R 1.09
10  025001R 0.58
11  025001R 0.75
12  025001R 0.62
13  025002G 8.59
14  025002G 1.26
15  025002R 6.31
16  025002R 0.56
17  025003G 1.95
18  025003G 2.18
19  025003G 0.21

我想做的是绘制Y轴对应于Volume的图,X坐标对应于特定Cell.ID的实例数。这部分是直截了当的,但我希望每个对象的Y坐标要么是跨越上两个分位数的框,要么是代表第二高分位数的点。使用tapply(df$Volume,quantile)table(df$Cell.ID)我能够创建一个类似下面的数据框,其中包含制作所述图的必要信息。 Freq包含有关特定Cell.ID(行名)显示的次数的信息,而Quantile包含有关该Cell.ID中对象的卷分布的信息。

 row.names       quantile                        Var1     Freq
1   010001G c(0.27, 0.27, 0.325, 0.6125, 1.31)    010001G   4
2   010001R c(0.22, 0.365, 0.51, 0.655, 0.8)     010001R    2
3   010002G c(0.67, 0.8025, 0.935, 1.0675, 1.2)  010002G    2
4   010002R c(0.25, 0.41, 0.57, 0.73, 0.89)      010002R    2
5   010003G c(0.22, 0.295, 0.345, 0.3725, 0.38)  010003G    4
6   010003R c(0.22, 0.2675, 0.315, 0.3625, 0.41) 010003R    2
7   010004G c(0.35, 0.41, 0.625, 1.165, 2.2)     010004G    4
8   010004R c(0.2, 0.4075, 0.615, 0.8225, 1.03)  010004R    2
9   010005G c(3.95, 3.95, 3.95, 3.95, 3.95)      010005G    1
10  010005R c(0.47, 0.775, 1.08, 2.53, 3.98)     010005R    3
11  010006G c(0.25, 0.98, 1.71, 2.98, 4.25)      010006G    3


Error in xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) : 
  'x' is a list, but does not have components 'x' and 'y 

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


Q75 <- tapply(df$Volume, df$Cell.ID, quantile, probs = 0.75)
freq <- table(df$Cell.ID)
plot(x = as.vector(freq), y = Q75, 
     xlab = "Frequency", ylab = "75th Quantile")


Q7595 <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, 
                 tapply(df$Volume, df$Cell.ID, quantile, 
                        probs = c(0.75, 0.95), simplify = TRUE))
## Empty plot
matplot(x = as.vector(freq), y = Q7595, type = "n", 
        xlab = "Frequency", ylab = "75th and 95th Quantiles")
## Boxes 
rect(xleft = as.vector(freq) - 0.25, xright = as.vector(freq) + 0.25, 
     ytop = Q7595[,1], ybottom = Q7595[,2])

结果如下: enter image description here

当然它需要一些美学上的改变,但我希望它有所帮助, 亚历
