MVP,WinForms - 如何避免膨胀视图,演示者和演示模型

时间:2010-05-31 12:04:57

标签: c# mvp presentation-model model-view-adapter


如何轻松地同步视图和演示模型,而不需要来回传递所有值的臃肿的演示者逻辑? (使用80ish line presenter代码,想象一下模拟模型和视图的演示者测试将看起来像.160行代码只是为了模拟转移。)有没有任何框架来处理这个而不诉诸winforms数据绑定? (您可能希望使用与winforms视图不同的视图。根据一些情况,此同步应该是演示者的工作..)您会使用AutoMapper吗?


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

这只是一个想法,我知道有些人可能不喜欢它 - 你可以在这里做很多不同的事情。


public class UiField<ContentType>
    public bool IsEnabled { get; set; }
    public ContentType Value { get; set; }
    public bool IsVisible { get; set; }


public interface ISampleView
    UiField<bool> IsStaffFullTime { get; set; }
    UiField<string> StaffName { get; set; }
    UiField<string> JobTitle { get; set; }
    UiField<int> StaffAge { get; set; }
    UiField<IList<string>> Certifications { get; set; }


顺便说一句,我建议您不要手动存根这些接口进行测试 - 使用模拟框架。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我开始构建 Jay 的解决方案,然后意识到我构建的是适配器设计模式的实现。这是我最终得到的,它是 VB.Net 而不是 C#:


Public Interface IWinformsControlAdapter(Of T)

''' <summary>
''' Default value for the UI Control
''' </summary>
''' <returns></returns>
Property Value As T
Property IsEnabled As Boolean
Sub SetError(myValue As String)

''' <summary>
''' Select all the text in the UI Field if possible
''' </summary>
Sub [Select]()

''' <summary>
''' Gets a boolean value indicating whether all required inputs have been entered into the UI field
''' </summary>
''' <returns>true if all required input has been entered in the field</returns>
ReadOnly Property Completed As Boolean

Property DataSource As Object
Property DisplayMember As String
Property ValueMember As String
Property SelectedValue As Object
Property Checked As Boolean
End Interface


Public Class WinformsControlAdapter(Of T)
    Implements IWinformsControlAdapter(Of T)

    Private ReadOnly _control As Control 'The Adaptee
    Private ReadOnly _errorProvider As ErrorProvider
    Public Sub New(ByRef control As Control, ByRef errorProvider As ErrorProvider)
        _control = control
        _errorProvider = errorProvider
    End Sub

    Public Property Value As T Implements IWinformsControlAdapter(Of T).Value

            Select Case True
                Case TypeOf _control Is TextBoxBase 
                    'Typically for Textbox T = String, but not always: _control could be adapting to Integer for inputting numbers or MaskedTextbox could be adapting to Date for inputting dates, etc 
                    Return ConvertTo(Of T)(_control.Text)

                Case TypeOf _control Is RadioButton 
                    Dim myRadioButton As RadioButton = _control
                    Return ConvertTo(Of T)(myRadioButton.Checked)

                Case Else
                    Throw New NotImplementedException("Some other needs to be added for .Value Property Get")

            End Select

        End Get
        Set(myValue As T)

            Select Case True
                Case TypeOf _control Is TextBoxBase 
                    _control.Text = ConvertTo(Of String)(myValue)

                Case TypeOf _control Is ListControl 
                    'Its debatable should it be the list or the selected value
                    DataSource = myValue  
                    'Dim myListControl As ListControl = _control
                    'myListControl.DataSource = ConvertTo(Of T)(myValue)

                Case TypeOf _control Is RadioButton 
                    Dim myRadioButton As RadioButton = _control
                    myRadioButton.Checked = ConvertTo(Of Boolean)(myValue)

                Case Else
                    Throw New NotImplementedException("Some other needs to be added for .Value Property Set")
            End Select

        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property Checked As Boolean Implements IWinformsControlAdapter(Of T).Checked
            If TypeOf _control IsNot RadioButton Then Throw New NotImplementedException()

            Dim myRadioButton As RadioButton = _control
            Return myRadioButton.Checked
        End Get
        Set(myValue As Boolean)
            If TypeOf _control IsNot RadioButton Then Throw New NotImplementedException()

            Dim myRadioButton As RadioButton = _control
            myRadioButton.Checked = myValue
        End Set
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property Completed As Boolean Implements IWinformsControlAdapter(Of T).Completed
            If TypeOf _control IsNot MaskedTextBox Then Throw New NotImplementedException()

            Dim myMaskedTextBox As MaskedTextBox = _control
            Return myMaskedTextBox.MaskCompleted
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Property DataSource As Object Implements IWinformsControlAdapter(Of T).DataSource
            If TypeOf _control IsNot ListControl Then Throw New NotImplementedException()

            Dim myListControl As ListControl = _control
            Return myListControl.DataSource
        End Get
        Set(myValue As Object)
            If TypeOf _control IsNot ListControl Then Throw New NotImplementedException()

            Dim myListControl As ListControl = _control
            myListControl.DataSource = myValue
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property DisplayMember As String Implements IWinformsControlAdapter(Of T).DisplayMember
            If TypeOf _control IsNot ListControl Then Throw New NotImplementedException()

                Dim myListControl As ListControl = _control
                Return myListControl.DisplayMember
        End Get
        Set(myValue As String)
            If TypeOf _control IsNot ListControl Then Throw New NotImplementedException()

            Dim myListControl As ListControl = _control
            myListControl.DisplayMember = myValue
        End Set
    End Property
    Public Property ValueMember As String Implements IWinformsControlAdapter(Of T).ValueMember
            If TypeOf _control IsNot ListControl Then Throw New NotImplementedException()

            Dim myListControl As ListControl = _control
            Return myListControl.ValueMember
        End Get
        Set(myValue As String)
            If TypeOf _control IsNot ListControl Then Throw New NotImplementedException()

            Dim myListControl As ListControl = _control
            myListControl.ValueMember = myValue
        End Set
    End Property
    Public Property SelectedValue As Object Implements IWinformsControlAdapter(Of T).SelectedValue
            If TypeOf _control IsNot ListControl Then Throw New NotImplementedException()

            Dim myListControl As ListControl = _control
            Return myListControl.SelectedValue
        End Get
        Set(myValue As Object)
            If TypeOf _control IsNot ListControl Then Throw New NotImplementedException()

            Dim myListControl As ListControl = _control
            myListControl.SelectedValue = myValue
        End Set
    End Property
    Public Function ConvertTo(Of T)(myValue As Object) As T
        If (TypeOf myValue Is T) Then
            Dim variable As T = myValue
            Return variable
        End If

            'Handling Nullable types i.e, int?, double?, bool? .. etc
            If Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(GetType(T)) <> Nothing Then
                Return TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(GetType(T)).ConvertFrom(myValue)
            End If

            Return Convert.ChangeType(myValue, GetType(T))

        Catch ex As Exception
            Return CType(Nothing, T) 'Return the default value for the type - same as C#: return default(T)
        End Try
    End Function
    Public Property IsEnabled As Boolean Implements IWinformsControlAdapter(Of T).IsEnabled
            Return _control.Enabled
        End Get
        Set(myValue As Boolean)
            _control.Enabled = myValue
        End Set
    End Property    

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Sets the error description string for the UI Field.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="myValue">The error message to assign to the control</param>
    Friend Sub SetError(myValue As String) Implements IWinformsControlAdapter(Of T).SetError
        _errorProvider.SetError(_control, myValue)
    End Sub

    Sub [Select]() Implements IWinformsControlAdapter(Of T).Select
        If TypeOf _control Is TextBoxBase Then
            Dim myTextBoxBase As TextBoxBase = _control
            myTextBoxBase.Select(0, _control.Text.Length)
        End If
    End Sub

End Class

在 WinForm/View 中,声明将使用适配器将视图控件公开为简单数据类型的属性:

Property YesNo1 As IWinformsControlAdapter(Of Boolean) Implements IMyView.YesNo1
Property YesNo2 As IWinformsControlAdapter(Of Boolean) Implements IMyView.YesNo2 
Property StartDate As IWinformsControlAdapter(Of Date?) Implements IMyView.StartDate
Property EndDate As IWinformsControlAdapter(Of Date?) Implements IMyView.EndDate

在 WinForm/View 构造函数中,将属性连接到 Winforms UI 控件(我也在使用 ErrorProvider):

公共子新建() MyBase.New()


    Yes = New WinformsControlAdapter(Of Boolean)(rdoHNSYes, ErrorProvider1)
    No = New WinformsControlAdapter(Of Boolean)(rdoHNSNo, ErrorProvider1)
    StartDate = New WinformsControlAdapter(Of Date?)(mskStartDate, ErrorProvider1)
    EndDate = New WinformsControlAdapter(Of Date?)(mskEndDate, ErrorProvider1)

在演示者中: 私有只读_view As IMyView

Public Sub New(view As IMyView)
    _view = view 'Inject dependency
End Sub


_view.YesNo1.Value = True 
If _view.StartDate.Completed Then