
时间:2015-04-08 03:35:05

标签: c++ floating-point


我目前正在使用Visual Studios 2013更新4,我想知道是否有人可以帮助我在目前为止完成的工作代码中使用小数进行输出计算。



// Chapter 7 Problem #3
// Rainfall Statistics
// 4-7-15

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

// Functions prototypes
void getRain(string[], int[], int);
int getTotal(int[], int);
int getAve(int[], int);
int largestElement(int[], int);
int smallestElement(int[], int);

int main()
    // Costant for the number of Month entries
    const int Rain_Per_Month = 12;

    //Array of Months
    string names[Rain_Per_Month] = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "Decemeber" };

    // Array of inches of each month
    int inches[Rain_Per_Month];

    //Total inches of rainfall
    int totalRainFall;

    // Ave Rain Fall
    int aveRainFall;

    // Subscript of the month that had the most rain
    int highRainFall;

    // Subscript of the month that had the least rain
    int lowRainFall;

    // Get the amount of rainfall in inches of each Month.
    getRain(names, inches, Rain_Per_Month);

    // Get total rainfall and Ave rainfall and high rainfall and low rainfall in inches.
    totalRainFall = getTotal(inches, Rain_Per_Month);
    aveRainFall = getAve(inches, Rain_Per_Month);
    highRainFall = largestElement(inches, Rain_Per_Month);
    lowRainFall = smallestElement(inches, Rain_Per_Month);

    // Display the Rainfall report header.
    cout << endl << endl;
    cout << "                         12 Month Rain Report \n\n";
    cout << "______________________________________________________________\n";

    // Display the and rain in inches of each month.

    for (int Rain_Per_Month = 0.00; Rain_Per_Month < Rain_Per_Month; Rain_Per_Month++)
        cout << setw(6) << names[Rain_Per_Month]
            << setw(21) << inches[Rain_Per_Month]
            << endl;

    // Display the total rainfall, highest rainfall, and lowest rainfall.
    cout << "\nThe total rainfall for the year was:" << setw(15) << totalRainFall << " inches" << endl;
    cout << "The average rainfall for the year is " << aveRainFall << endl;
    cout << "The largest amount of rainfall was " << inches[highRainFall] << " inches in " << names[highRainFall] << endl;
    cout << "The smallest amount of rainfall was " << inches[lowRainFall] << " inches in " << names[lowRainFall] << endl;
    cout << "\n" << endl;

    return 0;

*                         getRain                        *
* Gets the amount of rain in inches of each month from   *
* the user. The names array parameter holds the names of *
* the months, and the month array parameter will hold    *
* the amount of rainfall in iches of each corresponding  *
* month.                                                 *
void getRain(string names[], int inches[], int size)
    for (int month = 0.00; month < size; month++)
        //Get the amount of Rainfall for each month.
        cout << "How many inches of rain fall for the month of " << names[month] << ": ";
        cin >> inches[month];

        // Validate the input.
        while (inches[month] < 0.00)
            cout << "Inches of rain must be 0 or more. Please re-enter: ";
            cin >> inches[month];
*                           getTotal                      *
* Calculates and returns the total of the values stored in*
* the array passed to the function.                       *
int getTotal(int array[], int size)
    int total = 0.00;

    for (int pos = 0.00; pos < size; pos++)
        total += array[pos];

    return total;
*                           getAve                         *
* Calculates the total of the values stored in             *
* the array passed to the function and then averages them. *                       *
int getAve(int array[], int size)
    int Total = 0.00;
    double Ave;

    for (int pos = 0.00; pos < size; pos++)
        Total += array[pos];
    Ave = Total / size;

    return Ave;
*                             largestElement              *
* Finds and returns the subscript of the array position   *
* holding the largest value in the array passed to the    *
* function.                                               *
int largestElement(int array[], int size)
    int indexOfLargest = 0.00;

    for (int pos = 1; pos < size; pos++)
        if (array[pos] > array[indexOfLargest])
            indexOfLargest = pos;
    return indexOfLargest;

*                      smallestElement                    *
* Finds and returns the subscript of the array position   *
* holding the smallest value in the array passed to the   *
* function.                                               *
int smallestElement(int array[], int size)
    int indexOfSmallest = 0.00;

    for (int pos = 1; pos < size; pos++)
        if (array[pos] < array[indexOfSmallest])
            indexOfSmallest = pos;
    return indexOfSmallest;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)





// Costant for the number of Month entries
const int Rain_Per_Month = 12;
