
时间:2015-04-19 07:36:11

标签: f# fparsec



输入的第一部分(冒号前)描述输入的第二部分的格式。在这种情况下,格式为intstrint,这意味着实际数据由给定类型的三个逗号分隔值组成,因此结果应为{{ 1}},4"hello"


我已经在下面尽了最大的努力,但我对它并不满意。有没有更好的方法来做到更清洁,更少有状态,更少依赖3 monad?我认为这取决于UserState的更智能管理,但我不知道如何做到这一点。感谢。


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)



/// Simple Map
/// usage: let z = Map ["hello" => 1; "bye" => 2]
let (=>) x y = x,y
let makeMap x = new Map<_,_>(x)

/// A handy construct allowing NOT to write lengthy type definitions
/// and also avoid Value Restriction error
type Parser<'t> = Parser<'t, UserState>

/// A list combinator, inspired by FParsec's (>>=) combinator
let (<<+) (p1: Parser<'T list>) (p2: Parser<'T>) =
    p1 >>= fun x -> p2 >>= fun y -> preturn (y::x)

/// Runs all parsers listed in the source list;
/// All but the trailing one are also combined with a separator
let allOfSepBy separator parsers : Parser<'T list> =
    let rec fold state =
        | [] -> pzero
        | hd::[] -> state <<+ hd 
        | hd::tl -> fold (state <<+ (hd .>> separator)) tl
    fold (preturn []) parsers
    |>> List.rev    // reverse the list since we appended to the top


  1. 解析密钥(纯ASCII字符串)
  2. 将这些键映射到实际的值解析器
  3. 按顺序运行这些解析器
  4. 其余的似乎在代码中被评论。 :)

    /// The resulting type
    type Output =
        | Integer of int
        | String of string
    /// tag to parser mappings
    let mappings =
            "int" => (pint32 |>> Integer)
            "str" => (
                        manySatisfy (fun c -> c <> '\'')
                        |> between (skipChar ''') (skipChar ''')
                        |>> String
        |> makeMap
    let myProcess : Parser<Output list> =
        let pKeys =                     // First, we parse out the keys
            many1Satisfy isAsciiLower   // Parse one key; keys are always ASCII strings
            |> sepBy <| (skipChar ',')  // many keys separated by comma
            .>> (skipChar ':')          // all this with trailing semicolon
        let pValues = fun keys ->
            keys                        // take the keys list
            |> List.map                 // find the required Value parser
                                        // (NO ERROR CHECK for bad keys)
                (fun p -> Map.find p mappings)
            |> allOfSepBy (skipChar ',') // they must run in order, comma-separated
        pKeys >>= pValues

    退回:[Integer 4; Integer 42; String "hello"; Integer 3; String "foobar"]

答案 1 :(得分:3)




open FParsec

type Value = 
  | Integer of int
  | String  of string

type ValueParser = Parser<Value, unit>

let parseIntValue : Parser<Value, unit> =
  pint32 |>> Integer

let parseStringValue : Parser<Value, unit> =
    (skipChar '\'')
    (skipChar '\'')
    (manySatisfy (fun c -> c <> '\''))
    <?> "string"
    |>> String

let parseValueParser : Parser<ValueParser, unit> =
      skipString "int"  >>% parseIntValue
      skipString "str"  >>% parseStringValue

let parseValueParsers : Parser<ValueParser list, unit> =
      (skipChar ',')

// Runs a list of parsers 'ps' separated by 'sep' parser
let sepByList (ps : Parser<'T, unit> list) (sep : Parser<unit, unit>) : Parser<'T list, unit> =
  let rec loop adjust ps =
    match ps with
    | []    -> preturn []
    | h::t  ->
      adjust h >>= fun v -> loop (fun pp -> sep >>. pp) t >>= fun vs -> preturn (v::vs)
  loop id ps

let parseLine : Parser<Value list, unit> =
  parseValueParsers .>> skipChar ':' >>= (fun vps -> sepByList vps (skipChar ',')) .>> eof

let main argv = 
    let s = "int,str,int:4,'hello',3"

    let r = run parseLine s

    printfn "%A" r


解析int,str,int:4,'hello',3会产生Success: [Integer 4; String "hello";Integer 3]


Error in Ln: 1 Col: 23
Expecting: string

答案 2 :(得分:1)

我重写了@ FuleSnabel的sepByList如下,以帮助我更好地理解它。这看起来不错吗?

let sepByList (parsers : Parser<'T, unit> list) (sep : Parser<unit, unit>) : Parser<'T list, unit> = 
    let rec loop adjust parsers =
        parse {
            match parsers with
                | [] -> return []
                | parser :: tail ->
                    let! value = adjust parser
                    let! values = loop (fun parser -> sep >>. parser) tail
                    return value :: values
    loop id parsers