
时间:2010-06-04 09:51:28

标签: prolog

问题是;我们有一个函数拿3个参数, 喜欢; func([[0,0,0,1,0],[0,1,1,1,0],[0,0,1,0,0], [0,0,1,0,0],[0,0,0,1,0]],(1,1),X)第一个是嵌套列表,这是 显示5x5矩阵,1s表示它已满,0表示空, 第二个参数(1,1)我们的起点第1行第1列, 第三个参数X是;我们将统一的变量 从起始点可以获得的点是(1,1) 所以,如果被问到;

?- func ( [ [0,0,0,1] [0,0,1,0] [0,0,1,1] [0,0,1,0] ], (1,1), X).
X = (1, 1);

X = (1, 2);

X = (1, 3);

X = (2, 2);

X = (3, 2);

X = (4, 1);

X = (4, 2);


当我们从(1,1)开始时,我们可以向上,向下,向左和向右移动; 因为在(1,1)上没有向左和向上移动,如果是空的,则向右看,写下来,向下看空记录,再次进入(1,2),向右或向左或向上或向下移动,依此类推。 / p>

这里是我们没有写输出的原因,(2,4)(4,4) 如果例如点(2,3)已满且(2,4)为空 我们看,我们可以一个接一个地点(2,4),我的意思是, 如果离开,它们的上下都已满,我们不能使用这一点来指向(2,4),因为它们已经满了。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:10)


答案 1 :(得分:0)


%returns the nth element from the list
nth([_|R],N,M) :- N > 1, N1 is N-1, nth(R,N1,M).

%returns true if cell is empty: gets the cell value at (StartRow,StartColumn) and returns whether the value is 0
isempty(Maze,StartRow,StartColumn) :- nth(Maze,StartRow,Line),nth(Line,StartColumn,Y), Y == 0.

%returns the head of the list

%find accessible returns empty list if not in maze size (1 to N for row and column)
findaccessible(Maze, (StartRow,StartColumn), [], _) :- head(Maze,L),length(L,N), (StartColumn > N ; StartRow > N ; StartColumn < 1 ; StartRow < 1).

%find all empty cells and retain them in X. L retains the current found cells in order to avoid returning to visited positions.
findaccessible(Maze, (StartRow,StartColumn), X, L) :- 
  %if cell is empty, retain position and add it to the list
  isempty(Maze,StartRow,StartColumn) -> (union(L,[(StartRow,StartColumn)],L1),X1 = [(StartRow,StartColumn)], 

  %check right column and if element not visited, find all accessible cells from that point and unify the lists
  SR is StartRow, SC is StartColumn+1,(member((SR,SC),L) -> union(X1,[],X2) ; (findaccessible(Maze, (SR,SC), Tmp1, L1), union(X1,Tmp1,X2))),
  %check down row and if element not visited, find all accessible cells from that point and unify the lists
  SR2 is StartRow+1,SC2 is StartColumn, (member((SR2,SC2),L) -> union(X2,[],X3) ; (findaccessible(Maze, (SR2,SC2), Tmp2, L1), union(X2,Tmp2,X3))),
  %check left column and if element not visited, find all accessible cells from that point and unify the lists

  SR3 is StartRow, SC3 is StartColumn-1, (member((SR3,SC3),L) -> union(X3,[],X4) ; (findaccessible(Maze, (SR3,SC3), Tmp3, L1), union(X3,Tmp3,X4))),
  %check up row and if element not visited, find all accessible cells from that point and unify the lists
  SR4 is StartRow-1, SC4 is StartColumn, (member((SR4,SC4),L) -> union(X4,[],X) ; (findaccessible(Maze, (SR4,SC4), Tmp4, L1), union(X4,Tmp4,X)))) ; X = [].

%lists each result
%if no more results return false
results(_,[]) :- fail.
%return the result or return the rest of the results
results(X,[Head|Rest]) :- X = Head ; results(X,Rest).

%accessible predicate that finds all empty accessible cells and then list each of them
accessible(Maze, (StartRow,StartColumn), X) :- findaccessible(Maze, (StartRow,StartColumn), Lst, []), !, results(X,Lst).

%sample test run
%accessible([[0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]], (1, 1), X).