
时间:2015-04-19 23:36:19

标签: vb.net logic dice

因此,我们正在基于游戏Farkle在VB.net中创建游戏。基本上,你掷骰子,取决于你保留的是你的分数。我们有八个骰子。这是一个例子,比如说你滚动3" 3" s并且你想得到它们,这是一种三种类型。我们想要检查所有骰子,看看我们是否有三个骰子。我们已经找到了两种,但我们做不到的三种。

For l = 0 To 5
            For o = 1 To 6
                For q = 2 To 7
                    If (DieScore(l) = DieScore(o) And DieScore(l) = DieScore(q)) Then
                        PlayerScore = 200 + PlayerScore
                    End If

这是我们在骰子上检查三种。如果确实如此,我们会在分数上加200。 DieScore(x)指的是骰子。我们哪里出错?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


Dim count As Integer = 0

For pips As Integer = 1 To 6
    count = 0                      ' reset count for each Pip iteration
    For n As Integer = 0 To DieScore.Length - 1

        ' If operator version:
        count += If(DieScore(n) = pips, 1, 0)

        ' If Statement version:
        'If DieScore(n) = pips Then
        '    count += 1
        'End If

    ' scoring
    Select Case count
        Case 2    ' pair
            playerscore += 50
        Case 3    ' trips
            playerscore += 200
            If pips = 6 Then
                playerscore += 25    ' extra bonus for 666 (example)
            End If
        Case 4    ' quads
            playerscore += 350
        ' etc
    End Select

不是没有,但使用调试器很容易找到这些逻辑问题。另外,您将学习有关代码执行方式的 lot

答案 1 :(得分:1)



' index 0 = 1 spot, 5 = 6 spots.
Dim pipsCount(6) as Integer 

' This counts the number of dice for each possible "pips"
For dieIndex as Integer = 0 To DieScore.Length - 1
    ' Increment (the -1 is because index starts at 0)
    pipsCount(DieScore(dieIndex)-1) += 1


' You can easily find out now how many sixes were thrown:
Dim numberOfSixes As Integer = pipsCount(6-1) 

' Or score pairs, trips, quads, ...
For pipsIndex As Integer = 0 To 5
    Select Case pipsCount(pipsIndex)
        Case 2
            PlayerScore += 50
        Case 3
            PlayerScore += 200
        ' ... etc
    End Select

' Or count the length of a straight 
Dim straightLength As Integer = If(pipsCount(0) > 0, 1, 0)
Dim longestStraight As Integer = straightLength 
For pipsIndex As Integer = 1 To 5
    If pipsCount(pipsIndex) > 0 Then
        straightLength += 1
    Else ' straight ended
        If straightLength > longestStraight Then
            longestStraight = straightLength 
        End If
        straightLength = 0
    End If