
时间:2015-04-20 03:42:41

标签: java object arraylist

我是一个糟糕的程序员,但我需要一些帮助,因为我一直在拖延建立一个应用程序。 (请注意第一次尝试时缺乏细节感到抱歉

我创建了ArrayList myObject个拥有自己属性的myObject。当我创建myObject类时,我创建了一个初始化程序,以便我可以将ArrayList添加到myOjbect newMyObject = new myObject List<myOject> listOfObjects = new ArrayList<myObjet>(); try { // go through a text file, set some properties of my object... myArrayValue = some text input //(sorry i didnt want to put the whole code as its sloppy, but it does return an array) myObject.matrix = myArrayValue; // this value changes as I go through the text file, but in the listOfObects, only the last value is saved to each item in the list SetStartDate(somestring1); // another constructor/initializer (sorry i forget the correct terminology) I added to the 'myObject' class. This property sets correctly in the list listOfObjects.add(new myObject(newMyObject)); 类中。我得到它的工作,但我遇到问题,因为我循环我的代码时,对象的属性被覆盖。这是一个简化的例子:


然后在我的班级public myObject(myObject other){ matrix = other.matrix; startDate = other.startDate; // TODO add all the properties here, so that they get copied } public SetStartDate(string inputText){ startdate = inputText // or something like that, I dont have the code on this computer } 中有这个初始化程序:





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matrix = Arrays.copyOf(other.matrix, other.matrix.length);