
时间:2015-04-27 06:55:12

标签: asp.net vb.net caching




所以,我的问题是,有没有办法通过这种语法实际回收其他服务器? 它是一个webfarm,因此,只有当前服务器的缓存才会被上面的语法清除。

之前我曾问过类似的问题: Is there any way to clear cache from server farm?



1 个答案:

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您不必使用第三方提供商来实现您自己的OutputCacheProvider,我在上一个问题Is there any way to clear cache from server farm?的答案中提供的链接只是建议分布式缓存,因为您在询问关于为您的Web场提供一个缓存。如果您足够高兴拥有每个服务器缓存并且只想使条目无效,您仍然可以实现自己的缓存提供程序,并且只需要在Web场中的所有服务器上使缓存无效。


Public Class MyOutputCacheProvider
Inherits OutputCacheProvider

Private Shared ReadOnly _cache As ObjectCache = MemoryCache.Default
Private ReadOnly _cacheDependencyFile As String = "\\networklocation\myfile.txt"
Private Shared _lastUpdated As DateTime

Public Sub New()
    'Get value for LastWriteTime
    _lastUpdated = File.GetLastWriteTime(_cacheDependencyFile)
End Sub

Public Overrides Function [Get](key As String) As Object

    'If file has been updated try to remove the item from cache and return null
    If _lastUpdated <> File.GetLastWriteTime(_cacheDependencyFile) Then
        Return Nothing
    End If

    'return item from cache
    Return _cache.Get(key)
End Function

Public Overrides Function Add(key As String, entry As Object, utcExpiry As DateTime) As Object
    'If the item is already in cache no need to add it
    If _cache.Contains(key) Then
        Return entry
    End If

    'add item to cache
    _cache.Add(New CacheItem(key, entry), New CacheItemPolicy() With {.AbsoluteExpiration = utcExpiry})
    Return entry
End Function

Public Overrides Sub [Set](key As String, entry As Object, utcExpiry As DateTime)
    'If key does not exist in the cache, value and key are used to insert as a new cache entry. 
    'If an item with a key that matches item exists, the cache entry is updated or overwritten by using value
    _cache.Set(key, entry, utcExpiry)
End Sub

Public Overrides Sub Remove(key As String)
    'if item exists in cache - remove it
    If _cache.Contains(key) Then
    End If
End Sub End Class


        'Take an action that will affect the write time.
    File.SetLastWriteTime(_cacheDependencyFile, Now)

