
时间:2015-04-28 00:55:16

标签: java multithreading


Primes class(main):

public class Primes {

   * The queue holding candidates we want to check for primality.
  private BlockingQueue<Integer> candidateQueue;

   * The queue holding primes we want to print before inserting into the result set.
  private BlockingQueue<Integer> primesQueue;

   * The set holding the numbers that we have determined are prime.
  private Set<Integer> primeNumbers;

   * Create a new instance of the Primes checker program.
  public Primes() {
    // TODO: If this the best type of BlockingQueue to use, and is this the best size?
    // Feel free to change both.
    candidateQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Integer>();

    // TODO: If this the best type of BlockingQueue to use, and is this the best size?
    // Feel free to change both.
    primesQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Integer>();

    // TODO: Is a HashSet the best option here, and are there any options that would
    // help make it perform better? Feel free to change to a different type of Set or
    // to add parameters to the constructor.
    primeNumbers = new HashSet<Integer>();

   * Actually run the primes finder, looking for primes between smallest and biggest (inclusive).
   * @param smallest the smallest number to check
   * @param biggest the biggest number to check
   * @return a {@link Set} containing the prime numbers we have found
  public Set<Integer> findPrimesInRange(int smallest, int biggest) {
    // TODO: You should create the number generator and primes printer, as well
    // as some number of primality checkers. You should create these all as
    // threads that you can run to look for prime numbers. You should have at least
    // two instances of {@link PrimalityChecker}, but could have more if this makes
    // your program faster.

    // TODO: This is just here to make the compiler happy, you should return something real...
        NumberGenerator a = new NumberGenerator( smallest,biggest,candidateQueue);
        new Thread(a).start();
        PrimalityChecker p1 = new PrimalityChecker(candidateQueue,primesQueue);
        new Thread(p1).start();
        PrimalityChecker p2 = new PrimalityChecker(candidateQueue,primesQueue);
        new Thread(p2).start();
        PrimesPrinter pp = new PrimesPrinter(primesQueue,primeNumbers);
       Thread t1= new Thread(pp);
       // t1.interrupt();

    return primeNumbers;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Primes p = new Primes();
    // Remember, 1 is not prime! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime_number
    p.findPrimesInRange(2, 100);


public class NumberGenerator implements Runnable {
  /** The biggest number we plan to check */
  private final int biggestNumberToCheck;

  /** A queue where we will place the numbers that we generate, which need to be checked */
  private final BlockingQueue<Integer> candidateQueue;
  private final int smallestNumberStart;

  // TODO: What other state do we need?

   * Create a new instance of the NumberGenerator class, which will hand out numbers
   * that need to be checked.
   * @param smallest the smallest number to check
   * @param biggest the biggest number to check
   * @param queue the queue that we will put numbers to check into
  public NumberGenerator(int smallest, int biggest, BlockingQueue<Integer> queue) {
    biggestNumberToCheck = biggest;
    candidateQueue = queue;
    smallestNumberStart = smallest;
  public void run(){
    for(int i=smallestNumberStart; i<=biggestNumberToCheck; i++){
    //int rand= ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(smallestNumberStart, biggestNumberToCheck);

  // TODO: You can decide how you want to turn this into something runnable as a thread.
  // Please look at the code examples we've discussed in class and at the lecture slides,
  // as well as at the Concurrency tutorial: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/concurrency/


public class PrimalityChecker implements Runnable {
  /** A queue that holds generated numbers that we have not yet checked */
  private final BlockingQueue<Integer> candidateQueue;

  /** A queue where we place numbers when we determine they are prime */
  private final BlockingQueue<Integer> primesQueue;

  // TODO: What other state do we need?

   * Create an instance of the PrimalityChecker class, which will check numbers to see if
   * they are prime and then insert them into a result queue.
   * @param candidates queue that holds the candidates to check
   * @param primes queue that holds prime numbers we have found
  public PrimalityChecker(BlockingQueue<Integer> candidates, BlockingQueue<Integer> primes) {
    candidateQueue = candidates;
    primesQueue = primes;
  public void run(){

         Iterator<Integer> itr = candidateQueue.iterator();

        Integer Queue = null;
        try {
          Queue = candidateQueue.take();
        } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
          // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        if (isPrime(Queue))
            // try {
              // System.out.println(primesQueue.take());
            // } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
              // e.printStackTrace();


         //catch (InterruptedException e) {
          // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        // e.printStackTrace();

   public static boolean isPrime(int number){
          for(int i=2; i<number; i++){
              if(number%i == 0){
                  return false; 
          return true; 
  // TODO: You can decide how you want to turn this into something runnable as a thread.
  // Please look at the code examples we've discussed in class and at the lecture slides,
  // as well as at the Concurrency tutorial: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/concurrency/


public class PrimesPrinter implements Runnable {
  /** A queue that holds numbers we have determined to be prime but have not yet processed */
  private final BlockingQueue<Integer> primesQueue;

  /** A set that holds all the prime numbers we have found */
  private final Set<Integer> primesSet;

  // TODO: What other state do we need?

   * Create an instance of the PrimesPrinter class, which will print any numbers that
   * come in on the primes queue and then place them in the primes set.
   * @param primes queue that holds prime numbers we have found but not yet processed
   * @param primesSet set that holds all the prime numbers we have found
  public PrimesPrinter(BlockingQueue<Integer> primes, Set<Integer> primesSet) {
    primesQueue = primes;
    this.primesSet = primesSet;

  public void run() {
    // Iterator<Integer> itr = primesQueue.iterator();
  // while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()){
              Integer Queue;
        try {
          //Queue = primesQueue.poll(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

          // break;


        catch (InterruptedException e) {
          // TODO Auto-generated catch block


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


所以基本上你有两个选项,一个是mark your processing thread as daemon,所以它不会让Java退出。另一个选择是你实现某种信号机制,这样一个主线程可以在其工作结束时发出所有其他信号停止信号。


// this is how you start a runable with a daemon thread
Thread t1 = new Thread(r1);


public class PrimesPrinter implements Runnable {
    public static final Integer LAST = new Integer(0); // values doesnt matter
    private final BlockingQueue<Integer> primesQueue;
    private int lastCount = 0;

    public void run() {
        while (true) {
          Integer i = primesQueue.take(); // blocks
          if (i == LAST) {
              lastCount++; // wait for 2 checkers
              if (lastCount == 2)
                continue; // next might be last or other result

public class PrimalityChecker implements Runnable {
    public static final Integer LAST = new Integer(42);
    public void run() {
        while (true) {
            Integer i = candidateQueue.take();
            if (i == PrimalityChecker.LAST) break;
            if (isPrime(Queue))


public NumberGenerator(int smallest, int biggest, BlockingQueue<Integer> queue) {
    public void run(){
        for(int i=smallestNumberStart; i<=biggestNumberToCheck; i++){


答案 1 :(得分:0)

正如@Eckes所建议的,要发出其他线程停止的信号。您可以检查candidateQueue和primesQueue的大小,并中断正在运行的线程并退出程序。 我做了一些代码更改,现在程序正在退出。如果这有帮助,请告诉我。

import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;

public class NumberGenerator implements Runnable {
/** The biggest number we plan to check */
private final int biggestNumberToCheck;

/** A queue where we will place the numbers that we generate, which need to be checked */
private final BlockingQueue<Integer> candidateQueue;
private final int smallestNumberStart;

// TODO: What other state do we need?

 * Create a new instance of the NumberGenerator class, which will hand out numbers
 * that need to be checked.
 * @param smallest the smallest number to check
 * @param biggest the biggest number to check
 * @param queue the queue that we will put numbers to check into
public NumberGenerator(int smallest, int biggest, BlockingQueue<Integer> queue) {
    biggestNumberToCheck = biggest;
    candidateQueue = queue;
    smallestNumberStart = smallest;
public void run(){
    for(int i=smallestNumberStart; i<=biggestNumberToCheck; i++){
    //int rand= ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(smallestNumberStart, biggestNumberToCheck);

// TODO: You can decide how you want to turn this into something runnable as a thread.
// Please look at the code examples we've discussed in class and at the lecture slides,
// as well as at the Concurrency tutorial: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/concurrency/

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;

public class PrimalityChecker implements Runnable {
/** A queue that holds generated numbers that we have not yet checked */
private final BlockingQueue<Integer> candidateQueue;

/** A queue where we place numbers when we determine they are prime */
private final BlockingQueue<Integer> primesQueue;

// TODO: What other state do we need?

 * Create an instance of the PrimalityChecker class, which will check numbers to see if
 * they are prime and then insert them into a result queue.
 * @param candidates queue that holds the candidates to check
 * @param primes queue that holds prime numbers we have found
public PrimalityChecker(BlockingQueue<Integer> candidates, BlockingQueue<Integer> primes) {
    candidateQueue = candidates;
    primesQueue = primes;

    public void run() {
        Iterator<Integer> itr = candidateQueue.iterator();

        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            Integer Queue = null;
            try {
                Queue = candidateQueue.take();
            } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            if (isPrime(Queue)) {
                // try {
                // System.out.println(primesQueue.take());
                // } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                // e.printStackTrace();
                // }


        // catch (InterruptedException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        // e.printStackTrace();
        // }

 public static boolean isPrime(int number){
        for(int i=2; i<number; i++){
            if(number%i == 0){
                return false; 
        return true; 
// TODO: You can decide how you want to turn this into something runnable as a thread.
// Please look at the code examples we've discussed in class and at the lecture slides,
// as well as at the Concurrency tutorial: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/concurrency/

import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;

public class PrimesPrinter implements Runnable {
/** A queue that holds numbers we have determined to be prime but have not yet processed */
private final BlockingQueue<Integer> primesQueue;

/** A set that holds all the prime numbers we have found */
private final Set<Integer> primesSet;

// TODO: What other state do we need?

 * Create an instance of the PrimesPrinter class, which will print any numbers that
 * come in on the primes queue and then place them in the primes set.
 * @param primes queue that holds prime numbers we have found but not yet processed
 * @param primesSet set that holds all the prime numbers we have found
public PrimesPrinter(BlockingQueue<Integer> primes, Set<Integer> primesSet) {
    primesQueue = primes;
    this.primesSet = primesSet;

    public void run() {
        // Iterator<Integer> itr = primesQueue.iterator();
        while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
            while (primesQueue.size() > 0) {
                Integer Queue;
                try {
                    Queue = primesQueue.take();
                    // Queue = primesQueue.poll(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
                    // if(Queue==null){

                    // break;
                    // }


                catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block


import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;

public class Primes {

 * The queue holding candidates we want to check for primality.
private BlockingQueue<Integer> candidateQueue;

 * The queue holding primes we want to print before inserting into the result set.
private BlockingQueue<Integer> primesQueue;

 * The set holding the numbers that we have determined are prime.
private Set<Integer> primeNumbers;

 * Create a new instance of the Primes checker program.
public Primes() {
    // TODO: If this the best type of BlockingQueue to use, and is this the best size?
    // Feel free to change both.
    candidateQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Integer>();

    // TODO: If this the best type of BlockingQueue to use, and is this the best size?
    // Feel free to change both.
    primesQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Integer>();

    // TODO: Is a HashSet the best option here, and are there any options that would
    // help make it perform better? Feel free to change to a different type of Set or
    // to add parameters to the constructor.
    primeNumbers = new HashSet<Integer>();

 * Actually run the primes finder, looking for primes between smallest and biggest (inclusive).
 * @param smallest the smallest number to check
 * @param biggest the biggest number to check
public void findPrimesInRange(int smallest, int biggest) {
    // TODO: You should create the number generator and primes printer, as well
    // as some number of primality checkers. You should create these all as
    // threads that you can run to look for prime numbers. You should have at least
    // two instances of {@link PrimalityChecker}, but could have more if this makes
    // your program faster.

    // TODO: This is just here to make the compiler happy, you should return something real...
    NumberGenerator a = new NumberGenerator( smallest,biggest,candidateQueue);
    Thread threadA= new Thread(a);

    PrimalityChecker p1 = new PrimalityChecker(candidateQueue,primesQueue);
    Thread threadP1= new Thread(p1);

    PrimalityChecker p2 = new PrimalityChecker(candidateQueue,primesQueue);
    Thread threadP2= new Thread(p2);

    PrimesPrinter pp = new PrimesPrinter(primesQueue,primeNumbers);
    Thread threadPP= new Thread(pp);

        try {
            if(candidateQueue.size() == 0 && primesQueue.size() ==0){


        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

   // t1.interrupt();



public static void main(String[] args) {
    Primes p = new Primes();
    // Remember, 1 is not prime! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime_number
    p.findPrimesInRange(2, 100);


答案 2 :(得分:0)


import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;

public class NumberGenerator implements Runnable {
    private final int biggestNumberToCheck;
    private final BlockingQueue<Integer> candidateQueue;
    private final int smallestNumberStart;

    public NumberGenerator(int smallest, int biggest,
            BlockingQueue<Integer> queue) {
        biggestNumberToCheck = biggest;
        candidateQueue = queue;
        smallestNumberStart = smallest;

    public void run() {
        for (int i = smallestNumberStart; i <= biggestNumberToCheck; i++) {



import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;

public class PrimalityChecker implements Runnable {
    private final BlockingQueue<Integer> candidateQueue;

    private final BlockingQueue<Integer> primesQueue;

    public PrimalityChecker(BlockingQueue<Integer> candidates,
            BlockingQueue<Integer> primes) {
        candidateQueue = candidates;
        primesQueue = primes;

    public void run() {
        Iterator<Integer> itr = candidateQueue.iterator();

        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            Integer Queue = null;
            try {
                Queue = candidateQueue.take();
            } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
                System.out.println("PrimalityChecker Thread interruped");
            if (isPrime(Queue)) {



    public static boolean isPrime(int number) {
        for (int i = 2; i < number; i++) {
            if (number % i == 0) {
                return false;
        return true;



import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;

public class PrimesPrinter implements Runnable {
    private final BlockingQueue<Integer> primesQueue;

    private final Set<Integer> primesSet;

    public PrimesPrinter(BlockingQueue<Integer> primes, Set<Integer> primesSet) {
        primesQueue = primes;
        this.primesSet = primesSet;

    public void run() {
        while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
            while (primesQueue.size() > 0) {
                Integer Queue;
                try {
                    Queue = primesQueue.take();


                catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    System.out.println("Primes Printer Interrupted");



import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;

public class Primes {

    private BlockingQueue<Integer> candidateQueue;

    private BlockingQueue<Integer> primesQueue;

    private Set<Integer> primeNumbers;

    public Primes() {
        candidateQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Integer>();
        primesQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Integer>();
        primeNumbers = new HashSet<Integer>();

    public void findPrimesInRange(int smallest, int biggest) {

        NumberGenerator a = new NumberGenerator(smallest, biggest,
        Thread threadA = new Thread(a);

        PrimalityChecker p1 = new PrimalityChecker(candidateQueue, primesQueue);
        Thread threadP1 = new Thread(p1);

        PrimalityChecker p2 = new PrimalityChecker(candidateQueue, primesQueue);
        Thread threadP2 = new Thread(p2);

        PrimesPrinter pp = new PrimesPrinter(primesQueue, primeNumbers);
        Thread threadPP = new Thread(pp);

        while (true) {
            try {
                if (candidateQueue.size() == 0 && primesQueue.size() == 0) {


            } catch (InterruptedException e) {


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Primes p = new Primes();
        p.findPrimesInRange(2, 100);
