mySQL + vba,检查表中是否已存在某个项目

时间:2015-05-01 13:52:34

标签: mysql excel vba



'/ Define last row with data in it
lastRow = Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

'/ go through each row, line by line, to check if this part number is in the system
For c = 5 To lastRow Step 1

'/ Based on user input, runs a SELECT query to see if the part number in question is already in the table they're trying to upload into
SQLStr = "SELECT quotePartNumber FROM " & table & " where (quotePartNumber, `debitNumber) IN (('" & partNumber & "', '" & debitNum & "')) LIMIT 1"`

rs.Open SQLStr, conn, adOpenStatic
        ' Dump to spreadsheet
        With Worksheets("DATA").Range("N28:N28")
'/ copy SQL output to cell N28, then check if an output exists.  If the part exists in the table already, a part number will fill N28, if the part doesn't exist, N28 will be blank.             
.CopyFromRecordset rs
        End With

'/ If the part already exists, delete this part number from the spreadsheet.
        pnCheck = Range("N28").Value
        If pnCheck <> "" Then
            Range(Cells(c, 1), Cells(c, 11)).Select
            Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
            deleted = deleted + 1
            c = c - 1
        End If

        '/ reset rs for the next run through
        Set rs = Nothing
        Range("N28") = ""
        debit = False

next c



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