Trello Manatee添加附件

时间:2015-05-12 20:50:22

标签: c# attachment trello manatee.trello

我正在尝试使用Manatee API为预先创建的Trello卡添加附件。


        /// <summary>
        ///  This function creates a card on Trello <Board_Name> board, into the list named <List_Name>.
        ///  It creates a card with the title and descrition comming from the function which is called
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subject"> This is the subject (Title) of the ticket </param>
        /// <param name="body"> This is the body section (description) of the ticket </param>
        public string createTrelloTicketCard(string subject, string body)
            string cardId = null;
            trelloToken = adminTrelloToken; // define who is creating the card

            Run(() =>
                TrelloProcessor.WaitForPendingRequests = true;
                var board = new Board(<Board_ID>); // board id
                var list = board.Lists[5]; // The sixth list of the board 

                var card = list.Cards.Add(subject); // create a card with the subject from tblTasks
                cardId = card.Id; // get the created card ID
                card.Description = body; // define description from tblTasks

                // Add all the IT members to the card
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfItMembersInBoard; i ++)

            return cardId;


public void InsertAttachementIntoTrelloCard(string cardId, byte[] buffer, string name)
            Run(() =>
                TrelloProcessor.WaitForPendingRequests = true;

                var board = new Board(<Board_ID>); // board id

                var list = board.Lists[5]; // The sixth list of the board 

                var card = new Card(cardId); // specify the card that the file is going to be attached
                card.Description = "Test3";

                card.Attachments.Add(buffer, name); // Here I get the error






ex.Message =&#34;对象引用未设置为对象的实例。&#34;


ex.StackTrace =&#34;在   Manatee.Trello.Internal.DataAccess.JsonRepository.PrepRequest(IRestRequest   请求,TrelloAuthorization auth)in   E:\项目\ Manatee.Trello \ Manatee.Trello \内部\的DataAccess \ JsonRepository.cs:行   79点   Manatee.Trello.Internal.DataAccess.JsonRepository.BuildRequest(TrelloAuthorization   auth,Endpoint endpoint,IDictionary`2 parameters)in   E:\项目\ Manatee.Trello \ Manatee.Trello \内部\的DataAccess \ JsonRepository.cs:行   74点   Manatee.Trello.Internal.DataAccess.JsonRepository.Execute [T](TrelloAuthorization   auth,Endpoint endpoint,IDictionary&#39; 2参数)in   E:\项目\ Manatee.Trello \ Manatee.Trello \内部\的DataAccess \ JsonRepository.cs:行   46 at Manatee.Trello.AttachmentCollection.Add(Byte [] data,String   姓名)in   E:\项目\ Manatee.Trello \ Manatee.Trello \ AttachmentCollection.cs:行   112点   Live.XmlFax.XmlFaxForm&LT;&GT; c__DisplayClass8.b__7()   在c:\ Users \ arif.gencosmanoglu \ Documents \ EnteringC#\ Printer中   Project \ XmlFax \ XmlFaxForm.cs:第2035行   Live.XmlFax.XmlFaxForm.Run(Action action)in   C:\用户\ arif.gencosmanoglu \文档\ EnteringC#\打印机   Project \ XmlFax \ XmlFaxForm.cs:第1724行   Live.XmlFax.XmlFaxForm.InsertAttachementIntoTrelloCard(String cardId,   字节[]缓冲区,字符串名称)中   C:\用户\ arif.gencosmanoglu \文档\ EnteringC#\打印机   Project \ XmlFax \ XmlFaxForm.cs:第2023行   Live.XmlFax.XmlFaxForm.ReadTicketEmail()in   C:\用户\ arif.gencosmanoglu \文档\ EnteringC#\打印机   Project \ XmlFax \ XmlFaxForm.cs:1981年的第一行   Live.XmlFax.XmlFaxForm.cmdItTicket_Click(Object sender,EventArgs e)   在c:\ Users \ arif.gencosmanoglu \ Documents \ EnteringC#\ Printer中   Project \ XmlFax \ XmlFaxForm.cs:第1884行

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  • Manatee.Trello
  • Manatee.Trello.ManateeJson
  • Manatee.Trello.RestSharp