
时间:2010-06-12 12:55:39

标签: c# .net



public delegate void CustomEventHandler(int a, string b);
public event CustomEventHandler customEvent;
customEvent += new CustomEventHandler(customEventHandler);
customEvent(1,"a"); // Raising the event


6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:129)


事件基本上类似于属性 - 它是一对添加/删除方法(而不是属性的get / set)。当您声明一个类似字段的事件(即您没有自己指定添加/删除位的事件)时,会创建一个公共事件和一个私有支持字段。这允许您私下引发事件,但允许公共订阅。使用公共委托字段,任何人可以删除其他人的事件处理程序,自己引发事件等等 - 这是一个封装灾难。

有关活动(和代表)的更多信息,请阅读我的article on this topic。 (在某些时候,我需要为C#4更新它,它会稍微改变类似字段的事件。但它的要点仍然是正确的。)

答案 1 :(得分:30)


  1. 您可以在界面中定义事件,即使您无法在界面中定义常规字段。
  2. 它将=()运算符(赋值和调用)的可见性更改为private,以便只有包含类可以调用事件或覆盖其中包含的所有方法。仍然可以在定义它的类之外的事件上调用-=+=运算符(它们获取您在事件旁边写入的访问修饰符)。
  3. 您还可以覆盖-=+=对事件的行为方式。

答案 2 :(得分:22)



class C
    private int z;
    public readonly Func<int, int> M = (int x)=>{ return x+z; }
    // ... and so on


答案 3 :(得分:8)


另一方面,您只能插入并调用定义它的类型的'field like'事件。


public class MyClassWithNonFieldLikeEvent
   private CustomEventHandler m_delegate;

   public void Subscribe(CustomEventHandler handler) 
      m_delegate += handler;        

   public void Unsubscribe(CustomEventHandler handler)
      m_delegate -= handler;

   private void DoSomethingThatRaisesEvent()


答案 4 :(得分:3)


有关详细信息,请参阅this blog post

答案 5 :(得分:1)

delegate是引用类型。它继承了MulticastDelegateevent是修饰符。 event是委托的特殊修饰符。它修改了某些功能/方法的可访问性,例如调用方法。通过修饰符事件修改后,委托实例成为新概念“事件”。因此,Event只是一个修改的委托。您不能在定义事件的类之外直接更改引用或调用事件,但是可以更改引用或调用普通的委托实例。事件提供了额外的保护,因此事件具有更多的安全功能。 当您在定义事件的类之外时,可以对事件执行两种操作:“ + =”和“-=”。 但是您可以访问普通委托实例的所有公共字段,属性,方法等。 这是一个例子:

namespace DelegateEvent
    //the following line behave as a class. It is indeed a reference type
    public delegate void MyDelegate(string inputs);

    //The following line is illegal. It can only be an instance. so it cannot be directly under namespace
    //public event MyDelegate MyEvent;

    public class MyClassA
        public event MyDelegate MyEventA;
        public MyDelegate MyDelegateA;

        System.Threading.ManualResetEvent MyResetEvent = new System.Threading.ManualResetEvent(false);
        public void TryToDoSomethingOnMyDelegateA()
            if (MyDelegateA != null)
                //User can assecc all the public methods.
                MyDelegateA("I can invoke detegate in classA");         //invoke delegate
                MyDelegateA.Invoke("I can invoke detegate in classA");  //invoke delegate
                IAsyncResult result = MyDelegateA.BeginInvoke("I can invoke detegate in classA", MyAsyncCallback, MyResetEvent);    //Async invoke
                //user can check the public properties and fields of delegate instance
                System.Reflection.MethodInfo delegateAMethodInfo = MyDelegateA.Method;

                MyDelegateA = testMethod;                   //reset reference
                MyDelegateA = new MyDelegate(testMethod);   //reset reference
                MyDelegateA = null;                         //reset reference

                MyDelegateA += testMethod;                  //Add delegate
                MyDelegateA += new MyDelegate(testMethod);  //Add delegate
                MyDelegateA -= testMethod;                  //Remove delegate
                MyDelegateA -= new MyDelegate(testMethod);  //Remove delegate

        public void TryToDoSomethingOnMyEventA()
            if (MyEventA != null)
                MyEventA("I can invoke Event in classA");           //invoke Event
                MyEventA.Invoke("I can invoke Event in classA");    //invoke Event
                IAsyncResult result = MyEventA.BeginInvoke("I can invoke Event in classA", MyAsyncCallback, MyResetEvent);      //Async invoke
                //user can check the public properties and fields of MyEventA
                System.Reflection.MethodInfo delegateAMethodInfo = MyEventA.Method;

                MyEventA = testMethod;                   //reset reference
                MyEventA = new MyDelegate(testMethod);   //reset reference
                MyEventA = null;                         //reset reference

                MyEventA += testMethod;                  //Add delegate
                MyEventA += new MyDelegate(testMethod);  //Add delegate
                MyEventA -= testMethod;                  //Remove delegate
                MyEventA -= new MyDelegate(testMethod);  //Remove delegate

        private void MyAsyncCallback(System.IAsyncResult result)
            //user may do something here
        private void testMethod(string inputs)
            //do something

    public class MyClassB
        public MyClassB()
            classA = new MyClassA();
        public MyClassA classA;
        public string ReturnTheSameString(string inputString)
            return inputString;

        public void TryToDoSomethingOnMyDelegateA()
            if (classA.MyDelegateA != null)
                //The following two lines do the same job --> invoke the delegate instance
                classA.MyDelegateA("I can invoke delegate which defined in class A in ClassB");
                classA.MyDelegateA.Invoke("I can invoke delegate which defined in class A in ClassB");
                //Async invoke is also allowed

                //user can check the public properties and fields of delegate instance
                System.Reflection.MethodInfo delegateAMethodInfo = classA.MyDelegateA.Method;

                classA.MyDelegateA = testMethod;                   //reset reference
                classA.MyDelegateA = new MyDelegate(testMethod);   //reset reference
                classA.MyDelegateA = null;                         //reset reference

                classA.MyDelegateA += testMethod;                  //Add delegate
                classA.MyDelegateA += new MyDelegate(testMethod);  //Add delegate
                classA.MyDelegateA -= testMethod;                  //Remove delegate
                classA.MyDelegateA -= new MyDelegate(testMethod);  //Remove delegate


        public void TryToDoSomeThingMyEventA()
            //check whether classA.MyEventA is null or not is not allowed
            //Invoke classA.MyEventA is not allowed
            //Check properties and fields of classA.MyEventA is not allowed
            //reset classA.MyEventA reference is not allowed

            classA.MyEventA += testMethod;                  //Add delegate
            classA.MyEventA += new MyDelegate(testMethod);  //Add delegate
            classA.MyEventA -= testMethod;                  //Remove delegate
            classA.MyEventA -= new MyDelegate(testMethod);  //Remove delegate

        private void testMethod(string inputs)
            //do something here