
时间:2015-05-19 15:28:48

标签: python windows printing

我已经创建了一个桌面应用程序,可以在 Windows 操作系统中使用 python2.7 gtk + 3 从打印机打印令牌。我的应用程序中的按钮应该从文件中调用打印。为了格式化打印,我使用了 .rtf 文件,打开相应的文本编辑器(在我的情况下是MS Word),然后将文件打印出打印机,然后立即关闭。

如何在打印前避免打开和关闭?无论是MS Word设置,Windows还是Python解决方案。


def make_print(self):
    os.startfile("print.rtf", "print")

注意“ print.rtf ”是在此次调用之前由python脚本创建的。


def make_print1(self):
    with open('print.rtf', 'r') as f, open('LPT1:', 'w') as lpt:
        while True:
            buf = f.read()
            if not buf: break

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

此解决方案仅适用于Windows。为此,您需要安装pywin32 [http://timgolden.me.uk/pywin32-docs/contents.html]模块。



import win32print, win32ui, win32gui
import win32con, pywintypes

# create a dc (Device Context) object (actually a PyCDC)
dc = win32ui.CreateDC()

# convert the dc into a "printer dc"

# get default printer
printername = win32print.GetDefaultPrinter ()
# leave out the printername to get the default printer automatically

# you need to set the map mode mainly so you know how
# to scale your output.  I do everything in points, so setting
# the map mode as "twips" works for me.
dc.SetMapMode(win32con.MM_TWIPS) # 1440 per inch

# here's that scaling I mentioned:
scale_factor = 20 # i.e. 20 twips to the point

# start the document.  the description variable is a string
# which will appear in the print queue to identify the job.
dc.StartDoc('Win32print test')

# to draw anything (other than text) you need a pen.
# the variables are pen style, pen width and pen color.
pen = win32ui.CreatePen(0, int(scale_factor), 0)

# SelectObject is used to apply a pen or font object to a dc.

# how about a font?  Lucida Console 10 point.
# I'm unsure how to tell if this failed.
font = win32ui.CreateFont({
    "name": "Lucida Console",
    "height": int(scale_factor * 10),
    "weight": 400,

# again with the SelectObject call.

# okay, now let's print something.
# TextOut takes x, y, and text values.
# the map mode determines whether y increases in an
# upward or downward direction; in MM_TWIPS mode, it
# advances up, so negative numbers are required to
# go down the page.  If anyone knows why this is a
# "good idea" please email me; as far as I'm concerned
# it's garbage.
dc.TextOut(scale_factor * 72,
    -1 * scale_factor * 72,

# for completeness, I'll draw a line.
# from x = 1", y = 1"
dc.MoveTo((scale_factor * 72, scale_factor * -72))
# to x = 6", y = 3"
dc.LineTo((scale_factor * 6 * 72, scale_factor * 3 * -72))

# must not forget to tell Windows we're done.

在windows8.1 / python 3.4上测试
