
时间:2015-05-27 11:24:11

标签: java android json listview

我有一个buttonsTextView的自定义适配器,TextViewbutton点击listview之后发生变化,发送和接收反馈后从http PostJson回复,我尝试使用runnableassynctask,但没有成功。在runnable中,我无法从方法返回值。






    public String getStatus(final String id, final String user){
        final String[] resp = {"0/0/0"};

        new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

                // Building Parameters
                final List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
                params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("username", user));
                params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("id", id));

                Log.d("Nay Params", "" + params);
                // getting product details by making HTTP request
                JSONObject json = jsonParser.makeHttpRequest(NAY_URL, "POST",

                // check your log for json response
                // json success tag

                try {

                    Log.d("Nay Response", ""+ json);
                    success = json.getBoolean(TAG_SUCCESS);
                    yeaSt = json.getBoolean(TAG_E_STATUS);
                    naySt = json.getBoolean(TAG_A_STATUS);
                    yeaC = json.getInt(TAG_YEA);
                    nayC = json.getInt(TAG_NAY);
                    if (success){
                   resp[0] = yeaS + "/" + naySt + "/" + yeaC + "/" + nayC;

                           return resp[0];  
//Can not return return value within void method that is; Class void run()


                } catch (JSONException e) {
                //return resp[0];



//Can not acces json result outside the try catch block
        Log.d("sux", ""+success);

    //       Log.d("Rest1", resp[0]);

        return resp[0];

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


这是Callable documentation



修改 这是一个使用callable的简单示例,我更改了一些代码,因此更清楚:

public class Test {
ExecutorService executor;

public Test() {
    /* I used an executor that creates a new thread every time creating a server requests object
     * you might need to create a thread pool instead, depending on your application
     * */
    executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();

private JSONObject doTheWork() {
    // init 
    Callable<JSONObject> callable;
    Future<JSONObject> future;
    JSONObject jsonResult = null;

    try {
        // create callable object with desired job
        callable = new Callable<JSONObject>() {
            public JSONObject call() throws Exception {
                JSONObject jsonResult = new JSONObject();

                // connect to the server

                // insert desired data into json object

                // and return the json object 
                return jsonResult; 

        future = executor.submit(callable);
        jsonResult = future.get();
    } catch(InterruptedException ex) {
        // Log exception at first so you could know if something went wrong and needs to be fixed
    } catch(ExecutionException ex) {
        // Log exception at first so you could know if something went wrong and needs to be fixed

    return jsonResult;


另一种方法是创建一个实现Callable的类。无论你选择哪种方法取决于你的应用,也许还有人的口味:)。 我很乐意帮助你。