如何在C ++中实现“使用Python元组”作为键的字典?

时间:2010-06-16 14:04:38

标签: c++ python dictionary

我目前有一些我希望移植到C ++的python代码,因为它目前比我想要的要慢。问题是我在其中使用字典,其中键是由对象和字符串组成的元组(例如(obj,“word”))。 我到底如何在C ++中编写类似内容?也许我的算法很可怕,而且有一些方法可以让它更快,而不需要使用C ++?


def get_best_match_best(search_text, posts):
    Find the best matches between a search query "search_text" and any of the
    strings in "posts".

    @param search_text: Query to find an appropriate match with in posts.
    @type search_text: string
    @param posts: List of candidates to match with target text.
    @type posts: [cl_post.Post]
    @return: Best matches of the candidates found in posts. The posts are ordered
    according to their rank. First post in list has best match and so on.
    @returntype: [cl_post.Post]
    from math import log

    search_words = separate_words(search_text)
    total_number_of_hits = {}
    post_score = {}
    post_size = {}
    for search_word in search_words:
        total_number_of_hits[search_word] = 0.0
        for post in posts:
            post_score[(post, search_word)] = 0.0
            post_words = separate_words(post.text)
            post_size[post] = len(post_words)
            for post_word in post_words:
                possible_match = abs(len(post_word) - len(search_word)) <= 2
                if possible_match:
                    score = calculate_score(search_word, post_word)
                    post_score[(post, search_word)] += score
                    if score >= 1.0:
                        total_number_of_hits[search_word] += 1.0

    log_of_number_of_posts = log(len(posts))
    matches = []
    for post in posts:
       rank = 0.0
       for search_word in search_words:
           rank += post_score[(post, search_word)] * \
                  (log_of_number_of_posts - log(1.0 + total_number_of_hits[search_word]))
       matches.append((rank / post_size[post], post))
    return [post[1] for post in matches]

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

map<pair<..., string>, ...>如果您真的愿意使用C ++。

答案 1 :(得分:2)



for search_word in search_words:
    for post in posts:
        # do heavy work


for post in posts:
    # do the heavy works
    for search_word in search_words:



search_words = sorted(search_words, key=len)
g_post_words = collections.defaultdict(list) # this can probably use list of list
for post_word in post_words:

for search_word in search_words:
    l = len(search_word)
    # candidates = itertools.chain.from_iterable(g_post_words.get(m, []) for m in range(l - 2, l + 3))
    candidates = itertools.chain(g_post_words.get(l - 2, []), 
                                 g_post_words.get(l - 1, []), 
                                 g_post_words.get(l    , []),
                                 g_post_words.get(l + 1, []),
                                 g_post_words.get(l + 2, [])
    for post_word in candidates:
        score = calculate_score(search_word, post_word)
        # ... and the rest ...

