
时间:2015-05-30 03:08:51

标签: sql wpf entity-framework connection-string




public static class ConnectionTools
    // all params are optional
    public static void ChangeDatabase(
        this DbContext source,
        string initialCatalog = "",
        string dataSource = @"",
        string userId = "",
        string password = "",
        bool integratedSecuity = true,
        string configConnectionStringName = "")
    /* this would be used if the
    *  connectionString name varied from 
    *  the base EF class name */
            // use the const name if it's not null, otherwise
            // using the convention of connection string = EF contextname
            // grab the type name and we're done
            var configNameEf = string.IsNullOrEmpty(configConnectionStringName)
                ? source.GetType().Name
                : configConnectionStringName;

            // add a reference to System.Configuration
            var entityCnxStringBuilder = new EntityConnectionStringBuilder

            // init the sqlbuilder with the full EF connectionstring cargo
            var sqlCnxStringBuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder

            // only populate parameters with values if added
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(initialCatalog))
                sqlCnxStringBuilder.InitialCatalog = initialCatalog;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataSource))
                sqlCnxStringBuilder.DataSource = dataSource;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId))
                sqlCnxStringBuilder.UserID = userId;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
                sqlCnxStringBuilder.Password = password;

            // set the integrated security status
            sqlCnxStringBuilder.IntegratedSecurity = integratedSecuity;

            // now flip the properties that were changed
                = sqlCnxStringBuilder.ConnectionString;
        catch (Exception ex)
            // set log item if required


    public void LogonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
      DialogResult = true;

      // assumes a connectionString name in .config of MyDbEntities
      var ADataEntities = new ADataEntities();
      // so only reference the changed properties
      // using the object parameters by name
              initialCatalog: "",
              userId: "",
              password: "",
              // user Entered DataSource is the only change needed
              dataSource: (DataSource) 



  public void Authorize(string userName, string password)

        var AuthContext = new ADataEntities();

        var query = from c in AuthContext.UserNames
                    where (c.UserID == userName && c.EmailAddress == password )
                   select c;

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