如何使用" gcloud计算操作列表"使用实例名称过滤?

时间:2015-06-01 22:00:39

标签: google-compute-engine


已弃用的gcutil文档讨论了将过滤器表达式设置为可能的filter operations by target实例名称或实例selfLink,但似乎没有提到{{1中的类似过滤器表达式}} described here

gcloud compute operations list


gcloud compute operations list [NAME …] [--format FORMAT] [--help] [--limit LIMIT] [--log-http] [--project PROJECT_ID] [--quiet, -q] [--regexp REGEXP, -r REGEXP] [--sort-by SORT_BY] [--trace-token TRACE_TOKEN] [--uri] [--global | --regions [REGION,…] | --zones [ZONE,…]] [-h]

此外,--global If provided, only global resources are shown. --limit LIMIT The maximum number of results. --regexp REGEXP, -r REGEXP A regular expression to filter the names of the results on. Any names that do not match the entire regular expression will be filtered out. --regions [REGION,…] If provided, only regional resources are shown. If arguments are provided, only resources from the given regions are shown. --sort-by SORT_BY A field to sort by. To perform a descending-order sort, prefix the value of this flag with a tilde (~). --uri If provided, the list command will only print URIs for the resources returned. If this flag is not provided, the list command will print a human-readable table of useful resource data. --zones [ZONE,…] If provided, only zonal resources are shown. If arguments are provided, only resources from the given zones are shown. 文档提供的示例似乎不起作用:


尽管原始API文档描述了' target'作为example here

$ gcutil listoperations --zone us-east1-a --filter="target eq '.*dhuo.*'"
WARNING: 'gcutil' has been deprecated and soon will be removed from Cloud SDK distribution.
WARNING: Please use 'gcloud compute' instead.
WARNING: For more information see https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/gcutil
Error: Invalid value for field 'filter': 'target eq '.*dhuo.*''.  Unrecognized field name in list filter: target.


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


gcutil listoperations --zone us-east1-a --filter="targetLink eq '.*dhuo.*'"


答案 1 :(得分:0)


$ gcloud compute operations list | awk '$3 ~ /dhuo\./ {print $0}'