
时间:2015-06-05 14:44:41

标签: class properties coffeescript


class Data
  constructor: (data)->
    data.prototype.meta = @meta
    return data
  meta: ->
    return { id: 123 }

# this is how I want to work with it, as an example
a = {name: "val"}
x = new Data a

for key, item of x
   console.log key, item ## should say `name`, `val` (not meta)

console.log x.meta ## should say `{id:123}

我想将meta属性添加到现有object,但是当我循环播放时, NOT 希望meta出现使用for循环的新对象x


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


class Data
  constructor: (data) ->
    Object.defineProperty(data, "meta", { enumerable: false, value: @meta });
    return data
  meta: { id: 123 }

a = {name: "val"}
x = new Data(a)

for key, item of x
   console.log key, item ## should say `name`, `val` (not meta)

console.log x.meta ## should say `{id:123}

答案 1 :(得分:0)


a = {name: "val"}
a.meta = {id: 123} ## as normal
Object.defineProperty a, "meta", enumerable: false ## this hides it from loops

for key, item of x
   console.log key, item ## should say `name`, `val` (not meta)

console.log x.meta ## should say `{id:123}