在.NET C#中从用户控件引发父窗口上的事件

时间:2010-06-18 06:28:25

标签: .net wpf events user-controls


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public partial class ServerConfigs : UserControl

    // Create RoutedEvent
    // This creates a static property on the UserControl, SettingsConfirmedEvent, which 
    // will be used by the Window, or any control up the Visual Tree, that wants to 
    // handle the event. This is the Custom Routed Event for more info on the 
    // RegisterRoutedEvent method
    // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms597876(v=vs.100).aspx

    public static readonly RoutedEvent SettingConfirmedEvent =
        EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("SettingConfirmedEvent", RoutingStrategy.Bubble,
        typeof(RoutedEventHandler), typeof(ServerConfigs));

    // Create RoutedEventHandler
    // This adds the Custom Routed Event to the WPF Event System and allows it to be 
    // accessed as a property from within xaml if you so desire

    public event RoutedEventHandler SettingConfirmed
        add { AddHandler(SettingConfirmedEvent, value); }
        remove { RemoveHandler(SettingConfirmedEvent, value); }

    // When the Save button on the User Control is clicked, use RaiseEvent to fire the 
    // Custom Routed Event

    private void btnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        // Raise the custom routed event, this fires the event from the UserControl
        RaiseEvent(new RoutedEventArgs(ServerConfigs.SettingConfirmedEvent));


从window.xaml开始,这就是如何使用用户控件中定义的Custom RoutedEventHandler。这就像button.click等。

<uc1:ServerConfigs SettingConfirmed="Window_UserControl_SettingConfirmedEventHandlerMethod" 
                   x:Name="ucServerConfigs" ></uc1:ServerConfigs>


public Window()
    // Register the Bubble Event Handler 
        new RoutedEventHandler(Window_UserControl_SettingConfirmedEventHandlerMethod));

private void Window_UserControl_SettingConfirmedEventHandlerMethod(object sender,
              RoutedEventArgs e)
    btn_synchronize.IsEnabled = true;

答案 1 :(得分:3)

您需要RoutedEvent link

“路由事件是根据其RoutingStrategy在视觉树中向上或向下导航的事件。路由策略可以是冒泡,隧道或直接。您可以在引发事件的元素或其他元素上连接事件处理程序使用附加的事件语法在其上方或下方:Button.Click =“Button_Click”。“