
时间:2015-06-07 21:21:28

标签: rust mio

根据the docs,如果我试图调用两种不同特征提供的方法,Rust会抱怨:

trait Foo {
    fn f(&self);

trait Bar {
    fn f(&self);

struct Baz;

impl Foo for Baz {
    fn f(&self) { println!("Baz’s impl of Foo"); }

impl Bar for Baz {
    fn f(&self) { println!("Baz’s impl of Bar"); }

fn main(){
    let b = Baz;

运行此操作会导致预期的error: multiple applicable methods in scope错误。


extern crate mio;
use mio::buf::RingBuf;
use mio::buf::Buf;
use std::io::Read;

fn main() {
    let buf = RingBuf::new(10);
    let bytes = buf.bytes();
    println!("{:?}", bytes);




如果删除use std::io::Read;,一切正常。但是,随着范围内的特性突然使用Read的实现,字节具有“错误”类型。

(我正在使用Rust 1.0.0)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)


@echo off
md axis > Nul <&2
for %%a in ("Axis_Master Group_*_*.*") do (
    call :refolder "%%a"
exit /b

set fileName=%~n1
set fileName=%fileName:Axis_Master Group_=%
for /f "delims=_ tokens=1*" %%a in ("%fileName%") do (
    md axis\%%a > Nul <&2
    move /y %1 axis\%%a\%%b%~x1 > Nul <&2
exit /b

如果两种类型使用稍微不同的struct Type; trait A { fn foo(&self) -> bool { false } } trait B : Sized { fn foo(self) -> bool { true } } impl A for Type { } impl B for Type { } fn main() { println!("{}", Type.foo()); // This will call B::foo -- it will prefer `self`. } 类型,则Rust将它们视为不同类型,并且调用该方法只是更喜欢其中一种。

这可能是Rust的一个错误。有关详细信息,请查看相应的Rust issue
