
时间:2015-06-08 14:56:58

标签: c# asp.net-mvc unit-testing testing

如果有人可以帮我进行单元测试,我真的很高兴 Visual Studio单元测试的业务逻辑..

我已经谷歌“ed”并检查了不同的单元测试方式,但我保留 找到我不需要的控制器的单元测试..我是最多的 有人可以帮助我知道如何对这种方法进行单元测试。


public void AddConsultation(ConsultationView cv, int patientid)

    using (var deprepo = new ConsultationRepository())
        if (cv.ConsultId == 0)
            var curr = DateTime.Now;
            string date = curr.ToString("d");
            string  time= curr.ToString("t");
            var patient = da.Patients.ToList().Find(x => x.PatientId == patientid);

            Consultation _consultation = new Consultation
              ConsultId = cv.ConsultId,
              ConsultDate = date,
              ConsultTime = time,
              illness = cv.illness,
              PresribedMed = cv.PresribedMed,
              Symptoms = cv.Symptoms,
              U_Id = patient.PatientId,



public class ConsultationRepository:IConsultationRepository
    private DataContext _datacontext = null;
    private readonly IRepository<Consultation> _clinicRepository;

    public ConsultationRepository()
        _datacontext = new DataContext();
        _clinicRepository = new RepositoryService<Consultation>(_datacontext);


    public Consultation GetById(int id)
        return _clinicRepository.GetById(id);

    public List<Consultation> GetAll()
        return _clinicRepository.GetAll().ToList();

    public void Insert(Consultation model)

    public void Update(Consultation model)

    public void Delete(Consultation model)

    public IEnumerable<Consultation> Find(Func<Consultation, bool> predicate)
        return _clinicRepository.Find(predicate).ToList();

    public void Dispose()
        _datacontext = null;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


//Interface for a factory class
public interface IFactory
    IIConsultationRepository Create();


public class MyFactory : IFactory
    public IIConsultationRepository Create()
        return new ConsultationRepository();

public class MyTestFactory : IFactory
    public IIConsultationRepository Create()
        return new ConsultationTestRpository();


public class ConsultationTestRpository : IConsultationRepository
    //Your test repository. In this you skip the database.
    //This is just one simple example of doing it.
    Consultation _consultation;
    public Consultation GetById(int id)
        return _consultation;

    public void Insert(Consultation model)
        _consultation = model;


public class ConsultationRepository : IConsultationRepository
    //Your repository


var obj = new TheConsultationClass(new MyFactory());


public class UnitTest1
    public void TestMethod1()
        var objForTesting = new TheConsultationClass(new MyTestFactory());

        var consultationView = new ConsultationView();

        objForTesting.AddConsultation(consultationView, 123);

        var consultation = objForTesting.GetById(...);

        Assert.AreEqual(123, consultation.U_Id );



public class TheConsultationClass
    public MyFactory Factory { get; set; }

    public TheConsultationClass(IFactory factory)
        Factory = factory;

    public void AddConsultation(ConsultationView cv, int patientid)

        using (var deprepo = Factory.Create())
            if (cv.ConsultId == 0)
                var curr = DateTime.Now;
                string date = curr.ToString("d");
                string time = curr.ToString("t");
                var patient = da.Patients.ToList().Find(x => x.PatientId == patientid);

                Consultation _consultation = new Consultation
                    ConsultId = cv.ConsultId,
                    ConsultDate = date,
                    ConsultTime = time,
                    illness = cv.illness,
                    PresribedMed = cv.PresribedMed,
                    Symptoms = cv.Symptoms,
                    U_Id = patient.PatientId,


答案 1 :(得分:0)



public void AddConsultation(ConsultationView cv, int patientid)


    using (var deprepo = new ConsultationRepository())
        if (cv.ConsultId == 0)

下一行引用DateTime.Now。同样,这可能很难测试。同样,如果您需要知道使用特定日期,最简单的解决方案是为日期注入工厂,或注入该日期。如果 准确无误,则需要在测试开始时存储时间,然后确认所用时间介于测试开始时间和时间之间测试断言。

            var curr = DateTime.Now;
            string date = curr.ToString("d");
            string  time= curr.ToString("t");


            var patient = da.Patients.ToList().Find(x => x.PatientId == patientid);

            Consultation _consultation = new Consultation
              ConsultId = cv.ConsultId,
              ConsultDate = date,
              ConsultTime = time,
              illness = cv.illness,
              PresribedMed = cv.PresribedMed,
              Symptoms = cv.Symptoms,
              U_Id = patient.PatientId,


那么,您将如何测试AddConsultant方法?让我们假设您将关注AAA pattern for test arrangement。以下是您可能会写的一些测试:

  1. 如果已经设置了ConsultId,则不会更新验证存储库

    Arrange - Setup mock repository
            - setup da.Patients to contain Patient with correct id 
            - Create system under test injecting repository
            - Create view, with ConsultId <> 0
    Act     - Call sut.AddConsultation(view, somePationId)
    Assert  - No methods called on injected repository
  2. 验证使用视图中的值创建的咨询

    Arrange - Create View to pass, containing consultId = 0
            - setup da.Patients to contain Patient with correct id 
              Store datetime test started
              Create mock Repository and set it up to expect a call to insert
              Create system under test and Inject respository
    Act     - Call sut.AddConsultation(view, somePationId)
    Assert  - Assert Insert on respository was called with a consultation
              Assert each property of consulation has expected values from Arrange
              Assert consultation date is >= Arrange Date and <= Now
  3. 如果找不到患者,则验证AddConsultation失败

    Arrange - Create View to pass, containing consultId = 0
            - setup da.Patients, that doesn't contain Patient with correct id 
              Create mock Repository and set it up to not expect call
              Create system under test and Inject respository
    Act     - Call sut.AddConsultation(view, somePationId)
    Assert  - Assert exception thrown with correct information (currently not done)