如何做通用元组 - > Scala中的case类转换?

时间:2015-06-09 09:54:46

标签: scala


def getTupleData[T](source: String): List[T] = {
  // ...


def getCaseClassData[C](source: String): List[C] = {
  // Somehow get T from C.
  // For example, if C is case class MyCaseClass(a: Int, b: Long), then T is (Int, Long)
  // How to get T?      

  getTupleData[T](source) map { tuple: T =>
    // Somehow convert tuple into a case class instance with the case class type parameter
    // C.tupled(tuple) ??  Type parameter cannot be used like this. :(


  1. 如何从表示case类的类型参数中显式获取元组的类型,以便它可以用作类型参数?
  2. 如何在不知道案例类的实际名称但只知道类型参数的情况下从元组实例创建案例类实例?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)



现在问题是,每个案例类apply都有不同的签名。我们可以通过引入一个表示case类工厂的类型类来解决这个问题,并通过宏提供这个类型类的实例(它只会委托给case case' s apply方法)。

import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox.Context
import scala.language.experimental.macros

trait CaseClassFactory[C,T]{
  type Class = C
  type Tuple = T
  def apply(t: Tuple): C

object CaseClassFactory {
  implicit def factory1[C,T]: CaseClassFactory[C,T] = macro factoryImpl[C,T]
  implicit def factory2[C]: CaseClassFactory[C,_] = macro factoryImpl[C,Nothing]
  def apply[C,T]: CaseClassFactory[C,T] = macro factoryImpl[C,T]
  def apply[C]: CaseClassFactory[C,_] = macro factoryImpl[C,Nothing]

  def factoryImpl[C:c.WeakTypeTag,T:c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context) = {
    import c.universe._
    val C = weakTypeOf[C]
    val companion = C.typeSymbol.companion match {
      case NoSymbol => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"Instance of $C has no companion object")
      case sym      => sym
    val tupledTree = c.typecheck(q"""($companion.apply _).tupled""")
    val T = tupledTree.tpe match {
      case TypeRef(_, _, List(argTpe, _)) => argTpe
      case t => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"Expecting type constructor (Function1) for $C.tupled, but got $t: ${t.getClass}, ${t.getClass.getInterfaces.mkString(",")}")
    if (! (c.weakTypeOf[T] <:< T)) {
      c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"Incompatible tuple type ${c.weakTypeOf[T]}: not a sub type of $T")
    new CaseClassFactory[$C,$T] {
      private[this] val tupled = ($companion.apply _).tupled
      def apply(t: Tuple): $C = tupled(t)


scala> case class Person(name: String, age: Long)
defined class Person

scala> val f = CaseClassFactory[Person]
f: CaseClassFactory[Person]{type Tuple = (String, Long)} = $anon$1@63adb42c

scala> val x: f.Tuple = ("aze", 123)
x: f.Tuple = (aze,123)

scala> implicitly[f.Tuple =:= (String, Long)]
res3: =:=[f.Tuple,(String, Long)] = <function1>

scala> f(("aze", 123))
res4: Person = Person(aze,123)


scala> implicit class TupleToCaseClassOps[T](val t: T) extends AnyVal {
     |   def toCaseClass[C](implicit f: CaseClassFactory[C,T]): C = {
     |     f(t)
     |   }
     | }
defined class TupleToCaseClassOps

scala> case class Person(name: String, age: Long)
defined class Person

scala> ("john", 21).toCaseClass[Person]
res5: Person = Person(john,21)


def getCaseClassData[C](source: String)(implicit f: CaseClassFactory[C,_]): List[C] = {
  getTupleData[f.Tuple](source) map { tuple: f.Tuple =>