
时间:2015-06-21 04:36:59

标签: java

在评论THE BALL下,代码刚从另一个程序中取出。另一个程序只是在窗户周围反弹。这个程序是一个与砖破坏者相同的游戏。我需要让球移动,然后我可以在其中一个砖块中开始碰撞的代码(它们的所有坐标都存储在数组中)。请提供一些支持,或诊断出问题所在,这样我就可以找到一些解决方案。感谢所有帮助,谢谢。


    // The "FinalProgram" class.
import java.awt.*;
import hsa.LASSConsole;

public class FinalProgram
    static LASSConsole c;           // The output console

    //these variables can be used everywhere!!! even in the methods

    static int paddleX = 250; //the paddle x cordinate
    static int paddleY = 489; //paddle y cordinate
    static char keypressed = ' '; //variable created (character) for they key that will be pressed
    static final char left = 'j'; //character variable that will remain the same, left is j
    static final char right = 'k'; //character variable that will remain the same, right is k
    static final int paddleSize = 210; //the size of the paddle
    static final int paddleSpeed = 25; //speed the paddle will move at
    static final int thinness = 15; //how thin the paddle is
    static final char again = 'y'; //character for YES if they want to play, and play again
    static final char done = 'n'; //character for NO if they do not want to play, and are done playing after they lose/win
    static int totalBricks = 18;
    public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        c = new LASSConsole ();

        // Place your program here.  'c' is the output console

        //setting the instructions screen
        c.setTextBackgroundColor (Color.black); //black background
        c.clear (); //clearing the screen
        c.setColor (Color.white); //set the color to white(for the font)

        //new font object
        Font TitleFont;

        //font, style and sizet
        TitleFont = new Font ("Rockwell", Font.BOLD, 60); //the font will be in bold, size 60, rockewell font

        //Change the current font to TitleFont
        c.setFont (TitleFont);

        //Use our new font to display BREAKER OF BRICKS
        c.drawString ("BREAKER", 180, 210); //must draw the string, and the cordinates after ' '
        c.drawString ("OF", 240, 260);
        c.drawString ("BRICKS", 180, 310);

        //new font object
        Font AgainFont;

        //font, style and sizet
        AgainFont = new Font ("Candara", Font.BOLD, 30);

        c.setCursor (20, 1); //setting the cursor
        c.setTextColor (Color.white); //text color to white
        c.println ("Objective: eliminate all of the bricks with the ball by moving the paddle."); //output info
        c.println ("You can move the paddle left and right using the keys J and K on your keyboard. The game will be over once you miss the ball.");
        c.println ("");
        c.setTextColor (Color.red); //color to red
        c.println ("Would you like to play? Y/N"); //output the question
        //note the while loop for the entire program is based upon this question. if they enter Y, the game will begin

        char againKey;

        //clear the screen
        //Check to see if the user is pressing a key
        c.isCharAvail ();

        againKey = c.getChar ();

        while (againKey == 'y')
            c.setTextBackgroundColor (Color.black); //background color of game to black
            c.clear (); //clear the screen
            c.setColor (Color.white); //set the color to white for drawing the paddle
            c.fillRect (paddleX, paddleY, paddleSize, thinness); //draw the paddle

            //BRIKS BRICKS
            int brickCount = 0; //counts the bricks!
            int bricksize = 30; //size of each brick

            Color brickColor; //color for bricks
            brickColor = new Color (RandInt (0, 255), RandInt (0, 255), RandInt (0, 255));
            //^ brick color will be a combination of red, blue, and green. These values will be assigned randomly
            //using the randInt method.

            //first brick, since i have to start from the second
            int firstBrickX = 0; //first bricks x cordinate
            int firstBrickY = 0; //first bricks y cordinate
            brick (firstBrickX, firstBrickY, bricksize, brickColor); //drawing the brick using the method brick

            //xbrick (x cordinate of brick)

            int[] xbrick; //variable, array created x cordinates of every brick
            xbrick = new int [totalBricks]; //setting up array to have 18(num. of total bricks) "boxes"

            //ybrick (y cordinate of brick)
            int[] ybrick; //variable to store y cordinate of every brick
            ybrick = new int [totalBricks]; //similar to the one for xbrick

            xbrick [0] = firstBrickX; //the first box in the xbrick array will have the value of 0
            ybrick [0] = firstBrickY; //the first box in the ybrick array will have the value of 0

            //this loop will be used for creating the bricks
            for (int i = 1 ; i < totalBricks ; i++) //it will repeat until the number of total bricks

                brickColor = new Color (RandInt (0, 255), RandInt (0, 255), RandInt (0, 255)); //color for every brick(random)

                xbrick [i] = xbrick [i - 1] + 120; //where the brick will be
                brick (xbrick [i], ybrick [i], bricksize, brickColor); //drawing brick

                brickCount += 1; //will add 1 to the brick counter variable

                if ((brickCount > 5) && (brickCount < 12)) //if the bricks reach 6(max in the row) (brick count aids this)
                    ybrick [i] = ybrick [i - 6] + 30; //add 30 to their value (moving it down)
                    xbrick [i] = xbrick [i - 6] - 20; //change the x cordinate to the left -20 (off Set)
                    brickColor = new Color (RandInt (0, 255), RandInt (0, 255), RandInt (0, 255));
                    brick (xbrick [i], ybrick [i], bricksize, brickColor); //drawing brick

                if ((brickCount > 11) && (brickCount < totalBricks))
                    ybrick [i] = ybrick [i - 6] + 30; //add 30 to their value (moving it down)
                    xbrick [i] = xbrick [i - 6] - 20; //change the x cordinate to the left -20 (off Set)
                    brickColor = new Color (RandInt (0, 255), RandInt (0, 255), RandInt (0, 255));
                    brick (xbrick [i], ybrick [i], bricksize, brickColor); //drawing brick

            //see if they are pressing a key
            if (c.isCharAvail ())


                    //get the key
                    keypressed = c.getChar ();

                    if (keypressed == 'j') //if it equals j, that means jump to the moveleft method
                        moveLeft (); //method will make the paddle appear to move left and right
                    if (keypressed == 'k') //similar to one above, except opposite direction
                        moveRight ();

            ***//THE BALL

            //draw the ball
            c.setColor (Color.red);
            c.fillOval (x, y, diameter, diameter);
            Thread.sleep (100);
            //erase the ball
            c.setColor (Color.black);
            c.fillOval (x, y, diameter, diameter);
            //update cordinates ******IMPORTANT***********
            x += xspeed;
            y += yspeed; //y equals y + the speed (it will go down & right)
            //to make it bounce u need if statements
            //bounce if the ball hits the paddleX cordinate + width
            if ((y + diameter >= paddleX) && (y + diameter <= paddleX + paddleSize))
                //change direction
                yspeed = -yspeed; //if it is going down 5, now it will go up5
            //ball goes under the paddle
            //this if statement will check if the cordinates of the ball (y+diameter of the ball) is
            //equal to the space starting from the paddle's x cordinate but less than paddle's x cordinate+paddlelength
            if (y + diameter > paddleY)
                againKey = done; //basically it will break the loop
            //make ball bounce from the right side
            if (x + diameter >= c.maxx ()) //if the x cordinate plus the diameter of the ball (gets to the edge), touches x.maxx
                //put ball back into the window
                x = c.maxx () - diameter;
                //change direction
                xspeed = -xspeed;
            //bounce if the ball hits the top
            if (y - diameter <= 0)
                //put ball back into the window
                y = 0 + diameter;
                //change direction
                **yspeed = -yspeed; //if it is going down 5, now it will go up5
            //make ball bounce from the left side
            if (x - diameter <= 0)
                //put ball back into the window
                x = diameter;
                //change direction
                xspeed = -xspeed;

            /*//hitting the bricks
            for (int i = totalBricks ; i > 0 ; i--)
                if ((x == xbrick [0]) && (x == xbrick [0] + brickSize))
                    c.setColor (Color.black);
                    brick (xbrick [element], ybrick [0], bricksize, black);



        } //loop

    } // main method

    //method for creating the bricks
    public static void brick (int x, int y, int size, Color col)

        // make it the same size everytime
        int height = size;
        int width = 4 * size;

        //rectangle of da flag

        int MainRectangleX = x;
        int MainRectangleY = y;
        int MainRectangleW = width;
        int MainRectangleH = height;

        //DRAW IT
        //color of main rectangle (white)
        c.setColor (col);
        //draw the white one + fill (red)
        c.fillRect (MainRectangleX, MainRectangleY, MainRectangleW, MainRectangleH);


    //method for random integer
    public static int RandInt (int low, int high)
        //figure out the range of values between "low"
        //and "high"
        int range = high - low + 1;
        //choose number between 0 and 1, mulitply by the
        //range and then shift it up so "low" is the minimum value
        int r = (int) (Math.random () * range + low);
        return r;


    public static void moveLeft ()

        c.setColor (Color.black);  //same color as background so i can erase it
        c.fillRect (paddleX, paddleY, paddleSize, thinness);

        paddleX -= paddleSpeed; //update cordinate
        c.setColor (Color.white);
        c.fillRect (paddleX, paddleY, paddleSize, thinness); //redraw


    public static void moveRight ()

        c.setColor (Color.black);
        c.fillRect (paddleX, paddleY, paddleSize, thinness);

        paddleX += paddleSpeed;
        c.setColor (Color.white);
        c.fillRect (paddleX, paddleY, paddleSize, thinness);


} // FinalProgram class

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