
时间:2015-06-24 16:20:45

标签: sql sql-server sql-server-2008


create table temp1(id int, value1 varchar(20), value2 varchar(20),value3 varchar(20))
insert into temp1 values (100,'apple','orange','mango')
insert into temp1 values(101,'banana','grapes','mango')
insert into temp1 values(102,'litchi','grapes','apple')

create table temp2(id int, value varchar(20))
insert into temp2 values(100,'banana')
insert into temp2 values(100,'grapes')
insert into temp2 values(100,'apple')
insert into temp2 values(101,'banana')
insert into temp2 values(101,'litchi')
insert into temp2 values(102,'mango')
insert into temp2 values(102,'orange')
insert into temp2 values(102,'banana')


select t1.id,t2.value value1,t3.value value2,t4.value value3 from temp1 t1
left join
temp2 t2 on (t1.value1=t2.value) and (t1.id = t2.id)
left join
temp2 t3 on (t1.value2=t3.value) and (t1.id = t3.id)
left join
temp2 t4 on (t1.value3=t4.value) and (t1.id = t4.id)


    id  value1  value2  value3
1   100 apple   NULL    NULL
2   101 banana  NULL    NULL
3   102 NULL    NULL    NULL


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


select  t1.id
        , case
            when t1.value1=t2.value then t2.value
            else null
        end as value1
        , case
            when t1.value2=t2.value then t2.value
            else null
        end as value2
        , case
            when t1.value3=t2.value then t2.value
            else null
        end as value3
from temp1 t1
left join
temp2 t2 on ((t1.value1=t2.value) and (t1.id = t2.id))
            OR ((t1.value2=t2.value) and (t1.id = t2.id))
            OR ((t1.value3=t2.value) and (t1.id = t2.id))

答案 1 :(得分:1)

UNPIVOT-JOIN-PIVOT 此技术可以过滤交叉表,而无需单独操作所有列。

  SELECT t1.id,t1.col,t2.value
  FROM temp1
  UNPIVOT(value FOR col IN (value1,value2,value3)) t1
  LEFT JOIN temp2 t2 ON t1.id = t2.id and t1.value = t2.value
) t3
PIVOT(MAX(value) FOR col IN (value1,value2,value3)) t4