
时间:2015-06-24 20:37:19

标签: c#



//Declare Variables
        Console.Title = "Welcome To The Shotgune Game";
        int CPUBullets = 3, userBullets = 3;
        ShotgunOption UserOption;
        int  userScore = 0;
        bool QUIT = false;
        double gameCount = 0.0;
        Random computer = new Random();

        Console.WriteLine("SHOOT RELOAD SHIELD");

        UserOption = GetOptionFromUser();
        ShotgunOption CPUOption = (ShotgunOption)computer.Next(1, 3); // 1 is Shot, 2 is Reload, 3 is Shield


           // if (UserOption == "QUIT")

            //Console.Write("Please enter choice, or enter QUIT to quit: ");

              switch (UserOption)
                 case ShotgunOption.Shoot:
                    if((int)CPUOption == 1)
                        Console.WriteLine("You chose {0} and the computer chose Shoot. It was a tie!", UserOption);
                        ; userBullets --;CPUBullets --; ++gameCount;
                    else if ((int)CPUOption == 2)
                        Console.WriteLine("You chose {0} and the computer chose Reload. You win!", UserOption);
                        ++userScore; ++gameCount;
                    else if ((int)CPUOption == 3)
                        Console.WriteLine("You chose {0} and the computer chose Shield. No Damage!", UserOption);
                 case ShotgunOption.Reload:
                    if((int)CPUOption == 1)
                        Console.WriteLine("You chose {0} and the computer chose Shoot. You lose!", UserOption);
                         ++userScore; ++gameCount;
                    else if ((int)CPUOption == 2)
                        Console.WriteLine("You chose {0} and the computer chose Reload. You Both Gain A bullet", UserOption);
                        userBullets++; CPUBullets++; ++gameCount;
                    else if ((int)CPUOption == 3)
                        Console.WriteLine("You chose {0} and the computer chose Shield. No Damage!", UserOption);

                  case ShotgunOption.Shield:
                    if((int)CPUOption == 1)
                        Console.WriteLine("You chose {0} and the computer chose Shoot. You lose!", UserOption);
                    else if ((int)CPUOption == 2)
                        Console.WriteLine("You chose {0} and the computer chose Reload. You win!", UserOption);
                        ++userScore; ++gameCount;
                    else if ((int)CPUOption == 3)
                        Console.WriteLine("You chose {0} and the computer chose Shield. No Damage!", UserOption);

            while (UserOption != ShotgunOption.Shield || CPUOption != ShotgunOption.Shield);
        } while (QUIT == false || gameCount != 3 || UserOption != ShotgunOption.Shield || CPUOption != ShotgunOption.Shield);

        if (gameCount > 1)
            DisplayResults(UserOption, CPUOption,  userScore, userBullets, CPUBullets);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您永远不会在循环中更新用户的输入。一旦用户做出选择,它就永远不会改变 UserOption = GetOptionFromUser();也应该出现在你的循环中。至少这是我能从快速浏览中看出来的。