
时间:2015-06-25 02:23:18

标签: ios swift oop




4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:10)

下划线表示该函数没有外部参数名称。 Apple's Swift Documentation就你何时编写自己的函数来谈论这个概念。


func sayHello(to person: String, and anotherPerson: String) -> String { ... }


sayHello(to: "Bill", and: "Ted")

此签名为sayHello(to:and:)。 但是,如果我们想将该函数用作sayHello("Bill", "Ted"),该怎么办?我们如何表明我们不想要外部参数名称?那就是下划线的来源。我们可以将函数重写为:

func sayHello(person: String, _ anotherPerson: String) -> String { ... }


更新Swift 3.0:

Swift 3.0平等对待所有参数。第一个参数现在需要一个下划线来表示外部参数名称的缺失。在上面的呼叫站点sayHello("Bill", "Ted")示例中,您的相应函数或方法声明必须是

func sayHello(_ person: String, _ anotherPerson: String) -> String { ... }


答案 1 :(得分:1)

下划线表示忽略的值。你可以在这里读更多关于它的内容: What's the _ underscore representative of in Swift References?


答案 2 :(得分:0)


//MARK: Default
func join1(s1: String, s2: String, joiner: String) -> String {
    println("join1" + s1 + joiner + s2)
    return s1 + joiner + s2

//MARK: External Parameter Names
// To make the purpose of these String values clearer, define external parameter names for each join function parameter
func join2(string s1: String, toString s2: String, withJoiner joiner: String) -> String {
    println("join2" + s1 + joiner + s2)
    return s1 + joiner + s2

//MARK: External Names for Parameters with Default Values
func join3(string s1: String, toString s2: String, withJoiner joiner: String = " ") -> String {
    println("join3" + s1 + joiner + s2)
    return s1 + joiner + s2

//MARK: No External Names for Parameters with Default Values
func join4(s1: String, s2: String, joiner: String = " ") -> String {
    println("join4" + s1 + joiner + s2)
    return s1 + joiner + s2

//MARK: instead of an explicit external name
// You can opt out of this behavior by writing an underscore (_) instead of an explicit external name when you define the parameter. However, external names for parameters with default values are preferred.

func join5(s1: String, _ s2: String, _ joiner: String = " ") -> String {
    println("join5" + s1 + joiner + s2)
    return s1 + joiner + s2

//MARK: Shorthand External Parameter Names
// Provide an external parameter name with the same local parameter name
// Swift provides an automatic external name for any parameter that has a default value. The automatic external name is the same as the local name, as if you had written a hash symbol before the local name in your code.

func join6(#s1: String, s2: String, joiner: String = " ") -> String {
    println("join6" + s1 + joiner + s2)
    return s1 + joiner + s2


join1("s1", s2: "s2", joiner: "-")

join2(string: "s1", toString: "s2", withJoiner: "-")

join3(string: "s1", toString: "s2", withJoiner: "-")
join3(string: "s1", toString: "s2")

join4("s1", s2: "s2", joiner: "-")
join4("s1", s2: "s2")

join5("s1", "s2", "-")
join5("s1", "s2")

join6(s1: "s1", s2: "s2", joiner: "-")
join6(s1: "s1", s2: "s2")

答案 3 :(得分:-1)

来自Swift docs


函数参数可以同时具有本地名称(在...中使用)   函数的主体)和外部名称(用于调用时)   功能),如外部参数名称中所述。同样如此   对于方法参数,因为方法只是函数   与类型相关联。但是,本地名称的默认行为   功能和方法的外部名称不同。


具体来说,Swift [make]是方法中的第一个参数名称   默认情况下参数名称,[make]第二个和后续   默认情况下,参数名称为本地和外部参数名称。   此约定与您的典型命名和调用约定相匹配   熟悉编写Objective-C方法,并为之做好准备   表达方法调用,无需限定参数   名。



class Counter {
    var count: Int = 0
    func incrementBy(amount: Int, numberOfTimes: Int) {
        count += amount * numberOfTimes

这个 incrementBy(_:numberOfTimes:)方法有两个参数 - 金额   和numberOfTimes。默认情况下,Swift将金额视为本地名称   仅限,但将numberOfTimes视为本地名称和外部名称。   您可以按如下方式调用该方法:

let counter = Counter()
counter.incrementBy(5, numberOfTimes: 3)
// counter value is now 15

您无需为第一个定义外部参数名称   参数值,因为它的目的是从函数名中清楚   incrementBy。然而,第二个论点是外部的   参数名称,以便在调用方法时明确其目的。


此默认行为有效地将方法视为您的方法   在numberOfTimes参数之前写了一个哈希符号(#):

func incrementBy(amount: Int, #numberOfTimes: Int) {
    count += amount * numberOfTimes

上述默认行为表示方法定义   Swift的编写方式与Objective-C相同,并且   以自然,富有表现力的方式被称为。


class Counter {
    var count: Int = 0
    func incrementBy(amount: Int, _ numberOfTimes: Int) {
        count += amount * numberOfTimes



<强> incrementBy(__:__:)


 incrementBy(3, 2)


 incrementBy(3, numberOfTimes:2)