Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in

时间:2015-06-25 18:21:19

标签: php fatal-error

New here so please forgive me if I’m incorrect in my posting. I am having this issue:

Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in /home/content/c/a/l/calchrome/html/gallery/php/includes/php/libmanager.php on line 1363

I can't find the syntax error here; usually it's pretty obvious with something like this, but I cannot figure this one out. It's not the usual $this->$var type error.

   foreach($cfg['social_plugin'] as $plugin=>$value)
        $social_order[$this->$value['order']] = $plugin;



  **this is the section with the problem** 
        $obj = $cfg['social_plugin'][$social_order[$a]];
        $list.='<li id="'.$obj['order'].'_'.($a+1).'"><label for="'.$obj['link'].'"><img src="includes/images/'.$obj['image'].'" /> '.$obj['display'].'</label><input name="'.$social_order[$a].'_L" type="text" id="'.$social_order[$a].'_L" value="'.$this->$obj['link'].'" class="sg_form_long"/></li>';     

    $html.='<div class="sg_setting_box" id="sortable1">
    <h3>- Soical Information -
    <br/><span>Dragging each plugin can re-arrange the order shown in front end</span>

    <ul class="sg_social">'.$list.'</ul>


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

Change: $this->$obj['link'] to $obj['link'] $this-> is for the current class property

答案 1 :(得分:0)

您应该更改(如果obj在您的班级中定义为属性) 从




要     $ OBJ [&#39;连结&#39;]
