python 2.7.10运动我无法弄清楚

时间:2015-06-25 22:27:01

标签: python python-2.7


print "Hello mate, this programme helps you calculate the amount of small change you",
print "carry in Euros, if you are too dumb to count it on your own or",
print "just too lazy, this is the programme for you!!"

q=10*raw_input("how many 10c coins do you have?")
d=20*raw_input("how many 20c coins do you have?")
n=5*raw_input("how many 5c coins do you have?")
p=50*raw_input("how many 50c coins do you have?")`enter code here`

print "your total change is",tc,"thank you for choosing this programme!" 

6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

Python有两个用于读取用户输入的函数,称为inputraw_input。 raw_input不会以字符串格式评估数据并按原样返回数据。而输入函数评估值。因此,为了让您的输入被重新识别为整数,我建议您使用

q = 10 * input("how many 10c coins do you have?")

有关它的更详细解释,请参阅How can I read inputs as integers?

或参考python docs

答案 1 :(得分:0)


答案 2 :(得分:0)


print "Hello mate, this programme helps you calculate the amount of small change you",
print "carry in Euros, if you are too dumb to count it on your own or",
print "just too lazy, this is the programme for you!!"

q=10*int(raw_input("how many 10c coins do you have?"))
d=20*int(raw_input("how many 20c coins do you have?"))
n=5*int(raw_input("how many 5c coins do you have?"))
p=50*int(raw_input("how many 50c coins do you have?"))

print "your total change is",tc,"thank you for choosing this programme!" 

答案 3 :(得分:0)


raw_input("how many 10c coins do you have?")


答案 4 :(得分:0)

你将字符串输入乘以10,20,5和50,所以如果你的所有输入都是1,你将得到一个字符串中的85 1。你需要的是在乘法之前将变量转换为整数:

q=10*int(raw_input("how many 10c coins do you have?"))
d=20*int(raw_input("how many 20c coins do you have?"))
n=5*int(raw_input("how many 5c coins do you have?"))
p=50*int(raw_input("how many 50c coins do you have?"))

答案 5 :(得分:0)


quarterCount = float(raw_input("User, please enter the number of Quarters you have: "))
dimeCount = float(raw_input("User, please enter the number of Dimes you have: "))
nickleCount = float(raw_input("User, please enter the number of Nickles you have: "))
pennyCount = float(raw_input("User, please enter the number of Pennies you have: "))


quarterCountProp = 0.25 * float(quarterCount)
print "You have $",
print "{0:.2f}".format(quarterCountProp),
print "worth of Quarters."


grandTotal = quarterCountProp + dimeCountProp + nickleCountProp + pennyCountProp
print "Your total pocket change is: $",
print "{0:.2f}".format(grandTotal)