Angular.js compile partial view controller

时间:2015-06-26 09:36:11

标签: javascript jquery angularjs razor

Hi I have a mvc application, with a home page and a partial view (Info.cshtml) in that homepage. When I add an angularjs controller to the _Layout (after: var myModule = angular.module("myModule", ["kendo.directives"]);) and have in Info.cshtml:

<div id="aaaa" ng-controller="test">{{msg}}</div>
    ///!!!!!!!!!!!!!IMPORTANT, do not remove!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    var $injector = angular.element($('#aaaa')).injector();
    var element = angular.element($('#aaaa'));
    $injector.invoke(function ($compile, $timeout) {
        var scope = element.scope();
        $timeout(function () {

, everything is ok, but when I add the controller directly to the Info.cshtml it breaks "Error: [ng:areq] Argument 'test' is not a function, got undefined":

<div id="aaaa" ng-controller="test">{{msg}}</div>
    myModule.controller("test", function ($scope, $http, $timeout) {
        $scope.msg = 'dsadsadaddas';

    ///!!!!!!!!!!!!!IMPORTANT, do not remove!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    var $injector = angular.element($('#aaaa')).injector();
    var element = angular.element($('#aaaa'));
    $injector.invoke(function ($compile, $timeout) {
        var scope = element.scope();
        $timeout(function () {

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