Get BestBuy seller's orders using Commerce API

时间:2015-06-26 10:19:18

标签: best-buy-api

How can I fetch order details of particular seller using BestBuy API? I read the documentation on but it seems there ain't anything related to order management using API.

Commerce API

Basic Commerce API Functionality

  • Look up product availability, delivery dates, shipping costs prior to order submission
  • Create orders including Store Pick Up, Ship to Home and Home Delivery
  • Look up order information
  • Modify/Cancel an Order
  • Where is the documentation for order look up and modification?
  • Does BestBuy allows us fetching/updating order information using API?

1 个答案:

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Commerce API需要比常规Best Buy公共API更具体的访问权限。您需要申请特定的Commerce API密钥并成为可以访问Commerce API的合作伙伴。如果您还不是合作伙伴,请发送电子邮件至developer@bestbuy.com申请邀请。一旦您作为合作伙伴访问,就可以找到进一步的文档。

