Jasperreports server installation with existing Tomcat - Unable to bind port

时间:2015-06-30 13:40:59

标签: tomcat installation exists 32-bit jasperserver

I am trying to install Jasperreports 5.6.1 on Windows 32bit. Any newer version is not available yet. In the installation wizard I have entered both existing components: existing Tomcat and existing PostgreSQL server. It asks for the tomcat port, chosen is default 8080. Next button reports error: "Unable to bind the server port. Please make sure that Tomcat is not running."
I expect it must be running in this installation. But the error message is the same, it doesn't matter if the Tomcat7 service is running or not. In explorer I can verify (http://localhost:8080) if the service is really running or not. What is wrong? Is it such bug in installation exe-file and I am the first user stricken by it?

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