Understanding inner generic classes

时间:2015-06-30 19:22:18

标签: java generics

I wrote the following code:

public class Test<T> {

    public void method(){
        B b = new B();

    public class B{ }

//Some method in some class contains the following lines    
Test<Integer> t = null;
Test.B b = t.new B(); //warning Test.B is a raw type

Why did I get this warning? The declation of the inner type B doesn't contain type parameter, therefore it's not a generic type. Moreover, the specification gives us the following:

A class is generic if it declares one or more type variables

The class B doesn't declare the type variables. So why is it a generic type?

6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)




Test<Integer> t = null;
Test.B b = t.new B(); //warning Test.B is a raw type


Test<Integer>.B b = t.new B(); // no warning!

答案 1 :(得分:3)

我同意泛型类的规范并未明确涵盖您的场景。但raw types的规范确实如此:



  • 通过获取泛型类型声明的名称而不带伴随类型参数列表而形成的引用类型。

  • 元素类型为原始类型的数组类型。

  • 原始类型R的非static成员类型,不是从R的超类或超级接口继承的。


答案 2 :(得分:2)


public class Test<T> {  
    public B method(T t) {
        B b = new B(t);
        return (b);

    public class B {
        T value;

        public B(T value) {
            this.value = value;

在这里您可以清楚地看到,B取决于通用参数T,而不是通用本身。作为explained by Andy ThomasB的实例只能与Test的实例共存创建。因此,B是(间接)通用的。在您给出的示例中:

Test<Integer> t = null;
Test.B b = t.new B(); //warning Test.B is a raw type



Test<Integer> t = null;
Test<Integer>.B b = t.new B();


答案 3 :(得分:2)

虽然B未参数化,但Test.B b = t.new B();包含Test的原始引用,该引用已参数化。当我将警告线更改为Test<Integer>.B b = t.new B();


答案 4 :(得分:1)

What you're trying is not working because B's type is not B but Test<T>.B

To get this to work, make class B static.

public static class B{ }

答案 5 :(得分:1)

library(RCurl) url <- "https://logo.clearbit.com/basf.com" png <- getBinaryURL(url, httpheader = "image/png", ssl.verifypeer = F) # download writeBin(png, con = tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")) # save shell.exec(tf) # open file on windows 是一个内部类。没有B的实例,它就不可能存在。因此,它还取决于Test的任何类型参数。编译时,类Test将转换为以下内容:



您可以看到它的构造函数需要public class Test$B { public Test$B(Test paramTest) {} } 。虽然在编译时会删除类型参数,但如果您自己编写了类,那么您可能会给它一个类型参数以传递给Test