
时间:2015-07-04 01:27:09

标签: c++ initialization


struct app_data
    int port;
    int ib_port;
    unsigned size;
    int tx_depth;
    int sockfd;
    char *servername;
    struct ib_connection local_connection;
    struct ib_connection *remote_connection;
    struct ibv_device *ib_dev;



struct app_data data =
    .port = 18515,
    .ib_port = 1,
    .size = 65536,
    .tx_depth = 100,
    .sockfd = -1,
    .servername = NULL,
    .remote_connection = NULL,
    .ib_dev = NULL


sorry, unimplemented: non-trivial designated initializers not supported


如果我将其更改为g ++,仍然会收到相同的错误:

struct app_data data =
    port : 18515,
    ib_port : 1,
    size : 65536,
    tx_depth : 100,
    sockfd : -1,
    servername : NULL,
    remote_connection : NULL,
    ib_dev : NULL

6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:37)


typedef struct FOO
    int a;
    int b;
    int c;

FOO foo   = {.a = 1, .b = 2}; // OK
FOO foo1  = {.a = 1};         // OK
FOO foo2  = {.b = 2, .a = 1}; // Error sorry, unimplemented: non-trivial designated initializers not supported
FOO foo3  = {.a = 1, .c = 2}; // Error sorry, unimplemented: non-trivial designated initializers not supported




答案 1 :(得分:27)

这不适用于g ++。您基本上使用C构造与C ++。有几种方法可以解决它。

1)删除"。"并改变" ="到":"初始化时。

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
struct ib_connection
    int x;

   struct ibv_device
   int y;

struct app_data
    int port;
    int ib_port;
    unsigned size;
    int tx_depth;
    int sockfd;
    char *servername;
    struct ib_connection local_connection;
    struct ib_connection *remote_connection;
    struct ibv_device *ib_dev;


int main()

    struct app_data data =
        port : 18515,
        ib_port : 1,
        size : 65536,
        tx_depth : 100,
        sockfd : -1,
        servername : NULL,

        local_connection : {5},
        remote_connection : NULL,
        ib_dev : NULL

   cout << "Hello World" << endl; 

   return 0;

2)使用g ++ -X c。 (不推荐)或将此代码放在外部C [免责声明,我还没有测试过]

答案 2 :(得分:10)

我注意到我的GCC编译器有一些技巧可以接受.fieldname = value分配,但只有当字段的顺序与它们在结构中声明的顺序相同时才会编译。


//Declare struct
typedef struct
    uint32_t const * p_start_addr;
    uint32_t const * p_end_addr;
    fs_cb_t  const   callback;    
    uint8_t  const   num_pages;  
    uint8_t  const   priority;
} fs_config_t;

//Assign unnamed
fs_config_t fs_config  
    (uint32_t*)0x00030000,  // uint32_t const * p_start_addr;
    (uint32_t*)0x00038000,  // uint32_t const * p_end_addr;         
    fs_evt_handler,         // fs_cb_t  const   callback;
    8,                      // uint8_t  const   num_pages;
    0xFE                    // uint8_t  const   priority;               

//Assign to named fields
static fs_config_t fs_config1  
    .p_start_addr = (uint32_t*)0x00030000,
    .p_end_addr = (uint32_t*)0x00038000,            
    .callback = fs_evt_handler,
    .num_pages = 8,
    .priority = 0xFE                


  1. 分配到.name =值字段
  2. 按声明的顺序分配
  3. 包括分配中的所有字段

答案 3 :(得分:3)

由于Arduino IDE没有其他方法适用于我,我决定单独设置每个字段:

struct app_data data;

data.port = 18515;
data.ib_port = 1;
data.size = 65536;
data.tx_depth = 100;
data.sockfd = -1;
data.servername = NULL;
data.remote_connection = NULL;
data.ib_dev = NULL;

答案 4 :(得分:2)

不幸的是,C ++并不支持指定的初始化程序。 GCC仍允许您使用它们(作为扩展名),但您必须按照struct中列出的顺序初始化成员。


constexpr fuse_operations fuse_ops = []{
  fuse_operations ops{};
  ops.destroy = wiifs_destroy;
  ops.getattr = wiifs_getattr;
  ops.access = wiifs_access;
  // ...
  return ops;

我个人更喜欢这个解决方案,因为它是完全标准的C ++,它允许您按照您想要的顺序初始化字段,跳过您不需要的字段并默认初始化其余字段。编译器仍然是able to optimise this。请注意,这只适用于C ++ 17或更高版本。

答案 5 :(得分:-1)

