VBA - 每个地区的前10%

时间:2015-07-11 04:26:04

标签: vba excel-vba if-statement nested-if excel

我有一个Excel 2013电子表格,其中包括显示不同地区资产的收入。



作为一个功能,我可以达到如下所需的结果: {=LARGE(IF(I13:I1000=800,IF(AO13:AO1000<>DATE(2015,3,12),AI13:AI1000,""),""), 17)}






Sub ScheduleNextReview()
'Determine which district will be reviewed
    Dim Dist As String
    Dim NextDate As Date

    Dist = InputBox(Prompt:="Enter district for review:", Title:="Dist:", Default:="000")
    NextDate = InputBox(Prompt:="Date of Review", Title:="Enter Date for next review:", Default:="mm/dd/yyyy")

'Find date of Last Review
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim LastReview As Date
    Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("AL13:AL1000")
    LastReview = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(rng) 'need to figure out how to get the max value for those in Dist

'Count number of wells in district and find top ten percent and bottom twenty percent
    Dim DistTtl As Double
    Dim TopTenth As Integer
    Dim BottomTwent As Integer

    DistTtl = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("I13:I10000"), Dist)
    TopTenth = WorksheetFunction.Round(DistTtl / 10, 0)
    BottomTwent = WorksheetFunction.Round(DistTtl / 5, 0)

MsgBox "There are " & TopTenth & " assets in the top ten percent, and " & BottomTwent & " assets in the bottom twenty percent of " & Dist & " for review on " & NextDate & "."
End Sub


如果有任何需要进一步说明,请告诉我 谢谢!

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我能想到的最好的工作是使用如下函数: {=PERCENTILE.INC(IF(I13:I999=100,AI13:AI999,""), 0.9)}


            Dim Dist90 As Double
            Dim Dist As Integer

        If Dist = 100 Then
            Dist90 = Cells(2, 48)
        ElseIf Dist = 200 Then Dist90 = Cells(3, 48)
        ElseIf Dist = 300 Then Dist90 = Cells(4, 48)
        ElseIf Dist = 400 Then Dist90 = Cells(5, 48)
        ElseIf Dist = 500 Then Dist90 = Cells(6, 48)
        ElseIf Dist = 600 Then Dist90 = Cells(7, 48)
        ElseIf Dist = 700 Then Dist90 = Cells(8, 48)
        ElseIf Dist = 800 Then Dist90 = Cells(9, 48)
        End If