
时间:2015-07-15 15:11:31

标签: regression stata categorical-data


  1. 我无法安装模块(我正在为其他人编写代码而不是 确定他们安装了哪些模块)
  2. 一些回归量是因子变量。
  3. 每个回归仅由因变量不同,因此我希望将其存储在最终数据集中,以跟踪系数/方差对应的回归。
  4. 我在这里严重失去理智。鉴于Stata是统计软件但svmat真的不合作,我觉得这很简单。目前我在做的是:

    sysuse census, clear
    generate constant = 1
    capture matrix drop regsresults // erase previously existing matrix
    foreach depvar in marriage divorce {
        reg `depvar' popurban i.region constant, robust noconstant  // regressions
        matrix result_matrix = e(b)\vecdiag(e(V))                   // grab coeffs and their variances in a 2xK matrix
        matrix rownames result_matrix = `depvar'_b `depvar'_v       // add rownames to the two extra rows
        matrix regsresults = nullmat(regsresults)\result_matrix     // add those results matrix to the existing ones
    matrix list regsresults
    svmat regsresults, names(col)



    当然,我的“解决方案”不起作用,因为因子级别会生成奇怪的矩阵列名称,这些名称在调用svmat时是无效的变量名称。 (错误是一个简洁的invalid syntax。)鉴于我的限制,我很乐意解决这个问题的任何解决方案。它不必使用svmat,系数和方差可以在同一条线上,如果它更容易,等等。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


sysuse census, clear
generate constant = 1
capture matrix drop regsresults // erase previously existing matrix
foreach depvar in marriage divorce {

    reg `depvar' popurban i.region constant, robust noconstant  // regressions
    matrix result_matrix = e(b)\vecdiag(e(V))                   // grab coeffs and their variances in a 2xK matrix
    matrix rownames result_matrix = `depvar'_b `depvar'_v       // add rownames to the two extra rows
    matrix regsresults = nullmat(regsresults)\result_matrix     // add those results matrix to the existing ones

matrix list regsresults
matname regsresults reg1 reg2 reg3 reg4, columns(2..5) explicit

svmat regsresults, names(col)

对于更复杂的名单(reg1 - reg4),您可以预先构建语法,存储在local中,然后与matname一起使用。


同样的策略,有一些自动化。它使用宏扩展函数作为矩阵。请参阅help extended_fcn

sysuse census, clear
generate constant = 1
capture matrix drop regsresults // erase previously existing matrix
foreach depvar in marriage divorce {

    reg `depvar' popurban i.region constant, robust noconstant  // regressions
    matrix result_matrix = e(b)\vecdiag(e(V))                   // grab coeffs and their variances in a 2xK matrix
    matrix rownames result_matrix = `depvar'_b `depvar'_v       // add rownames to the two extra rows
    matrix regsresults = nullmat(regsresults)\result_matrix     // add those results matrix to the existing ones


// list the matrix
matrix list regsresults

// get original column names of matrix
local names : colfullnames regsresults

// get original row names of matrix (and row count)
local rownames : rowfullnames regsresults
local c : word count `rownames'

// make original names legal variable names
local newnames
foreach name of local names {
    local newnames `newnames' `=strtoname("`name'")'

// rename columns of matrix
matrix colnames regsresults = `newnames'

// convert matrix to dataset
svmat regsresults, names(col)

// add matrix row names to dataset
gen rownames = ""
forvalues i = 1/`c' {
    replace rownames = "`:word `i' of `rownames''" in `i'

// list
order rownames
list, noobs

另见ssc describe matnames

答案 1 :(得分:0)


sysuse census, clear
generate constant = 1
capture matrix drop regsresults // erase previously existing matrix
replace region = region +15
foreach depvar in marriage divorce {

    reg `depvar' popurban i.region constant, robust noconstant  // regressions
    matrix result_matrix = e(b)\vecdiag(e(V))                   // grab coeffs and their variances in a 2xK matrix
    matrix rownames result_matrix = `depvar'_b `depvar'_v       // add rownames to the two extra rows
    matrix regsresults = nullmat(regsresults)\result_matrix     // add those results matrix to the existing ones


matrix list regsresults
local rownames : rownames regsresults           // collects row names
local colnames : colfullnames regsresults       // collects column names
local newnames                                  // clean column names
foreach name of local colnames {
    local newnames `newnames' `=strtoname("`name'")'
matrix colnames regsresults = `newnames'        // attribute the cleaned column names

svmat regsresults, names(col)

// add the row names as its own variable rown
gen str rown = ""
order rown, 
local i = 1
foreach rowname in `rownames' {
    replace rown = "`rowname'" if _n == `i'
    local i = `i' + 1