
时间:2015-07-21 14:11:38

标签: assembly x86 masm x86-16


; Program:  MULTIPLY
; Function: Multiplies two 16 bit unsigned values ...
;           .... duplicating the MUL instruction
; Input:    The two values to be multiplied are passed on the stack
;           The code conforms to the C/C++ calling sequence
; Output:   The 32 bit result is returned in the dx:ax pair
;           Registers required by C/C++ need to be saved and restored
; Owner:    Andrew F.
; Changes:  Date        Reason
;           ------------------
;           07/20/2013  Original version
         .model    small
         public    _multiply

; Multiply data

; Multiply code
         push      bp                  ; save bp
         mov       bp,sp               ; anchor bp into the stack
         mov       ax,[bp+4]           ; load multiplicand from the stack
         mov       dx,[bp+6]           ; load multiplier   from the stack

    push    bx
    push    cx
    push    di
; copy ax to cx, and dx to bx
    mov cx,ax       ;using bx and cx as my inputs
    mov bx,dx
; Check for zeros, zero out ax and dx
    xor   ax,ax         ; check for multiplication by zero
    mov   dx,ax         ; and zero out ax and dx
    mov   di,cx     ; 
    or    di,bx         ; 
    jz    done      ;
    mov   di,ax         ; DI used for reg,reg adc
; loop / multiply algorithm
    shr   cx,1          ; divide by two, bottom bit moved to carry flag
    jnc   skipAddToResult   ;no carry -> just add to result
    add   ax,bx     ;add bx to ax 
    adc   dx,di         ;add the carry to dx

    add   bx,bx         ;double bx current value
    or    cx,cx         ; zero check
    jnz   loopp     ; if cx isnt zero, loop again

; Restore register values, return
     pop       di           ;restore di
     pop       cx           ;restore cx
     pop       bx           ;restore bx

         pop       bp                  ; restore bp
         ret                           ; return with result in dx:ax
         end                           ; end source code

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


  1. 收集值,将它们放入BX和CX。
  2. 当CX> 0时:
    1. 向右移动CX。
    2. 如果移位了一个,将BX添加到AX并将DI(在DI中为零)添加到带有进位的DX。
    3. 将BX添加到BX。
  3. 返回DX:AX。
  4. 在每次右移CX后,你都错过了DI:BX的左移。您正在仅移动BX(并且我使用shl bx,1而不是add bx,bx)而DI保持为零,因此当BX超过16位时,您将丢失应该转到DX的位。为了解决问题,请使用旋转进行DI。

        shr   cx,1          ; divide by two, bottom bit moved to carry flag
        jnc   skipAddToResult   ;no carry -> just add to result
        add   ax,bx     ;add bx to ax 
        adc   dx,di         ;add the carry to dx
        shl   bx,1         ;double bx current value
        rcl   di,1         ; and put overflow bits to DI
                           ; this together doubles the number in DI:BX
        or    cx,cx         ; zero check
        jnz   loopp     ; if cx isnt zero, loop again