
时间:2015-07-21 22:23:31

标签: javascript jquery asp.net-mvc validation model-view-controller


@using (Html.BeginForm("Action", "Controller", FormMethod.Post))
  @Html.ValidationSummary("", new { @class = "text-danger" })
    <tbody id="myTableBody">
      @for (int i = 0; i < Model.Components.Count; i++)
        @Html.EditorFor(m => m.MyCollection[i])
          <button id="btnAddRow" type="button">MyButton</button>

  <input type="button" id="btnSubmit" />

@section scripts {


@model MyProject.Models.MyCollectionClass

    @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Name)
    @Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.Type, Model.AvailableTypes)



  <add key="ClientValidationEnabled" value="true" />
  <add key="UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled" value="true" />





1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

据我所知,MVC并不能真正提供开箱即用的功能。客户端验证。 有第三方选项,但我更喜欢做自己的事情所以我用JavaScript处理整个事情。 使用EditorFor复合问题不允许像其他Helper方法一样添加html属性。


首先在.Net中重载HtmlHelper EditorFor

public static HtmlString EditBlockFor<T, TValue>(this HtmlHelper<T> helper, Expression<System.Func<T, TValue>> prop, bool required)
        string Block = "";
        Block += "<div class='UKWctl UKWEditBox' " +
            "data-oldvalue='" + helper.ValueFor(prop) + "' " +
            "data-required='" + required.ToString() + ">";
        Block += helper.EditorFor(prop);
        Block += "</div>";

        return new HtmlString(Block);

在剃刀视图中添加新的editBlockfor(就像你一样),但改变Begin Form方法,将一个Name和id添加到表单元素,以便稍后识别

    @using (Html.BeginForm("Action", "Controller", FormMethod.Post, new { name = "MyDataForm", id = "MyDataForm" }))


function validate(container)    {

    var valid = true;
    //use jquery to iterate your overloaded editors controls fist and clear any old validation
    $(container).find(".UKWctl").each(function (index) { clearValidation($(this)); });
    //then itterate Specific validation requirements 
    $(container).find(".UKWctl[data-required='True']").each(function (index) {
        var editobj = getUKWEdit(this);
        if (editobj.val() == "") {
            valid = false;
            //use this Method to actually add the errors to the element
            AddValidationError(editobj, 'This field, is required');
            //now add the Handlers to the element to show or hide  the valdation popup
            $(editobj).on('mouseenter', function (evt) { showvalidationContext(editobj, evt); });
            $(editobj).on('mouseout', function () { hidevalidationContext(); });
            //finally add a new class to the element so that extra styling can be added to indicate an issue 
    //return the result so the methods can be used as a bool
    return valid;


function AddValidationError(element, error) {
    //first check to see if we have a validation attribute using jQuery
    var errorList = $(element).attr('data-validationerror');
    //If not Create a new Array() 
    if (!errorList || errorList.length < 1) {
        errorList = new Array();
    } else {
        //if we have, parse the Data from Json
        var tmpobj = jQuery.parseJSON(errorList);
        //use jquery.Map to convert it to an Array()
       errorList = $.map(tmpobj, function (el) { return el; });
   if ($.inArray(error, errorList) < 0) {
        // no point in add the same Error twice (just in case)
    //then stringyfy the data backl to JSON and add it to a Data attribute     on your element using jQuery
     $(element).attr('data-validationerror', JSON.stringify(errorList));

最后显示并隐藏实际的错误, 为了方便这一点,我将一个小div元素放入_Layout.html

    <div id="ValidataionErrors" title="" style="display:none">
        <h3 class="error">Validation Error</h3>
        <p>This item contatins a validation Error and Preventing Saving</p>
        <p class="validationp"></p>


var tipdelay;
function showvalidationContext(sender, evt)
    //return if for what ever reason the validationError is missing
    if ($(sender).attr('data-validationerror') == "") return;
    //Parse the Error to an Object 
    var jsonErrors = jQuery.parseJSON($(sender).attr('data-validationerror'));
    var errorString = '';
//itterate the Errors from the List and build an 'ErrorString'
    for (var i = 0; i <= jsonErrors.length; i++)
        if (jsonErrors[i]) {
            //if we already have some data slip in a line break
            if (errorString.length > 0) { errorString += '<br>'; }
            errorString += jsonErrors[i];
//we don't want to trigger the tip immediatly so delay it for just a moment 
    tipdelay = setTimeout(function () {
        //find the p tag tip if the tip element  
        var validationError = $('#ValidataionErrors').find('.validationp');
        //then set the html to the ErrorString 
        //finally actually show the tip using jQuery, you can use the     evt to find the mouse position 
        $('#ValidataionErrors').css('top', evt.clientY);
        $('#ValidataionErrors').css('left', evt.clientX);
        //make sure that the tip appears over everything 
        $('#ValidataionErrors').css('z-index', '1000');
    }, 500);


function hidevalidationContext() {
    //clear out the tipdelay
    //use jquery to hide the popup
    $('#ValidataionErrors').css('top', '-1000000px');
    $('#ValidataionErrors').css('left', '-1000000px');
    $('#ValidataionErrors').css('z-index', '-1000');


function save()
    if (validate($("#MyDataForm")))
    else {
        //all the leg has been done this stage so perhaps do nothing

这是用于验证Popup的My Css

#ValidataionErrors {
    display: block; 
    height: auto;
    width: 300px;
    background-color: white;
    border: 1px solid black;
    position: absolute;
    text-align: center;
    font-size: 10px;

#ValidataionErrors h3 { border: 2px solid red; }
.valerror { box-shadow: 0 0 2px 1px red; }