Create an ordered table

时间:2015-07-28 16:08:43

标签: c# visual-studio-2013 sql-server-2012

I am not sure if I titled this question correctly, here is my question. I have a table that has Products and these products have various details including buying price, selling price, initial stock quantity, number of items sold, number of items remaining. I then have another table with sales information based on location of the buyer lets call it LocationSales. I need to create a table that will show the products and the location information like in the snapshot below. Graphical representation of what I want to achieve

I made the representation using Excel. I had already achieved this while working on a project earlier last year but it involved a lot or hard-coding and stack-overflow exceptions. I would like to achieve this more effectively. This is a hypothetical representation of my actual problem. I have tried using hierarchical tables before using Telerik UI which worked well but did not display the information quite as required by my superiors. I would really appreciate it if someone would point me to the right direction. I understand it's impossible to address the entire problem here but I would appreciate someone including a link to a blog post or video or some literature that can assist me. PS. I have tried database views as well, didn't work as required.

I am using ASP.NET C# MVC5 with Visual Studio 2013 and the database as SQL Server 2012

EDIT://Tables I am using

enter image description here

EDIT 2:/// As per my research so far i have managed to obtain the following

enter image description here


select * from
,productName as [PRODUCT]
Location as l inner join
Sales as s on l.locationID=s.locationID
inner join 
Product as p on p.productID=s.productID
)as BaseData
for locationName
) as SummaryTable
order by Product asc

I used a pivot table. I am currently trying to get both the road and air transfer. I I will try using a GROUP BY clause and see what I can do. I will post an update when I have the full solution.

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  1. 产品清单
  2. 按国家/地区划分道路转移金额
  3. 按国家/地区透支空运费用
  4. 如果您在产品ID的单个查询中将所有这些连接在一起,您将接近您的查询,但列顺序不会很正确,即所有道路转移将在空中转移之前到来

    I have created a SQLFiddle demonstrating this

    Select p.prodName AS Product,
      p.initialQty AS [Initial Quantity], 
      p.sold AS [Quantity Sold], 
      p.remaining AS [Quantity Remaining], 
      AirT.[Air Transfer - Germany],
      RoadT.[Road Transfer - Germany],
      AirT.[Air Transfer - Kenya],
      RoadT.[Road Transfer - Kenya]
    FROM Products p
    LEFT JOIN ( 
                SELECT productID, [Germany] AS [Air Transfer - Germany], [Kenya] AS [Air Transfer - Kenya]
                FROM (select productID, l.locName, qty 
                      FROM sales s
                      INNER JOIN Locations l on l.locID = s.locID
                      where transfer = 'Air Transfer') as SourceTable
                PIVOT (SUM(qty)
                FOR locName IN ([Germany], [Kenya])
                       ) As AirTransfers
              ) AirT on AirT.productID = p.ProductID
    LEFT JOIN (           
                SELECT productID, [Germany] AS [Road Transfer - Germany], [Kenya] AS [Road Transfer - Kenya]
                FROM (select productID, l.locName, qty 
                      FROM sales s
                      INNER JOIN Locations l on l.locID = s.locID
                      where transfer = 'Road Transfer') as SourceTable
                PIVOT (SUM(qty)
                FOR locName IN ([Germany], [Kenya])
                       ) As RoadTransfers
              ) RoadT on RoadT.productID = p.ProductID