
时间:2015-07-29 16:50:01

标签: android ios mobile windows-phone centralized

最近我一直在阅读有关移动应用开发的this article。在第25页/第28页,他们讨论了集中式和分散式移动应用程序门户。不幸的是,这篇文章很陈旧。


  • Google Android:集中
  • Apple iOS:集中
  • Windows Phone:集中
  • BlackBerry OS:集中
  • Firefox OS:分散式
  • 亚马逊Fire OS:集中

你会如何完成这个?我没有找到验证这些信息的方法。谷歌即因Google Play商店而应集中销售。但是,还有其他方法可以下载像Aptoide这样的Android应用。然后是Opera Mobile Store。您可以在每个平台下载应用程序。这对移动应用程序门户的分类意味着什么?

更新: 我仍在寻找一些答案,因为我还没有弄清楚如何验证上述信息。任何帮助表示赞赏!

更新2: 在做了一些进一步的研究后,我能够完成上面的列表。但是,我仍然不确定这是否真的是正确的。我为那些有兴趣阅读这篇文章并帮助解决我的问题的人增添了一些赏金。感谢。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

到目前为止,您的列表对我来说是正确的,但Firefox OS有自己的市场。所以他们都有办法解决并安装自己的东西。也许Android在这个特定意义上是最开放的,但它们都试图阻止用户悬挂在他们自己的指定市场上

答案 1 :(得分:1)

As per the Article you mentioned :

Centralized portal

In this model, one portal is proposed as the main portal on which all applications are published. This approach gives the main portal provider a competitive advantage over others. Consumers can easily find and download applications. It also facil- itates the job of developers by offering a single point of sale. Centralized portals can benefit from network effects by attract- ing more consumers and more developers. Apple and Google propose a single point of sale with the AppStore and the Android Market. However, these two platforms have different approaches. On the one hand, Apple pushes a unique and exclusive portal with a strict application review process. Google, on the other hand, does not restrict the publication of appli- cations to its portal. Moreover, there are no plans to review applications prior to publication as it counts on consumers’ feed- back to exclude inappropriate and low-quality applications.

Firefox OS: decentralized ?

No,because : There is a marketplace for Firefox As well where you can upload and download Apps.

enter image description here

Marketplace was started in 2013 enter image description here

Your Reference Article is outdated ! : 2010

enter image description here

Hence it did not included Firefox in centralized Portal !