C ++模板类引用按引用传递

时间:2015-07-31 07:54:15

标签: c++

我正在学习模板类,我在书中看过教程代码。 有一个名为Stack的类如下:

// Stack class template.
#ifndef STACK_H
#define STACK_H

template< typename T >
class Stack 
   Stack( int = 10 ); // default constructor (stack size 10)

   // destructor
      delete [] stackPtr; // deallocate internal space for stack
   } // end ~Stack destructor

   bool push( const T& ); // push an element onto the stack
   bool pop( T& ); // pop an element off the stack

   // determine whether Stack is empty
   bool isEmpty() const 
      return top == -1; 
   } // end function isEmpty

   // determine whether Stack is full
   bool isFull() const 
      return top == size - 1; 
   } // end function isFull

   int size; // # of elements in the stack
   int top; // location of the top element (-1 means empty)
   T *stackPtr; // pointer to internal representation of the stack
}; // end class template Stack

// constructor template
template< class T >
Stack< T >::Stack( int s )
   : size( s > 0 ? s : 10 ), // validate size
     top( -1 ), // Stack initially empty
     stackPtr( new T[ size ] ) // allocate memory for elements
   // empty body
} // end Stack constructor template

// push element onto stack;
// if successful, return true; otherwise, return false
template< class T >
bool Stack< T >::push( const T &pushValue )
   if ( !isFull() ) 
      stackPtr[ ++top ] = pushValue; // place item on Stack
      return true; // push successful
   } // end if

   return false; // push unsuccessful
} // end function template push

// pop element off stack;
// if successful, return true; otherwise, return false
template< class T > 
bool Stack< T >::pop( T &popValue )
   if ( !isEmpty() ) 
      popValue = stackPtr[ top-- ]; // remove item from Stack
      return true; // pop successful
   } // end if

   return false; // pop unsuccessful
} // end function template pop



// Fig. 14.4: fig14_04.cpp
// Stack class template test program. Function main uses a 
// function template to manipulate objects of type Stack< T >.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Stack.h" // Stack class template definition
using namespace std;

// function template to manipulate Stack< T >               
template< typename T >                                         
void testStack(                                             
   Stack< T > &theStack, // reference to Stack< T >         
   T value, // initial value to push                        
   T increment, // increment for subsequent values          
   const string stackName ) // name of the Stack< T > object
   cout << "\nPushing elements onto " << stackName << '\n'; 

   // push element onto Stack                               
   while ( theStack.push( value ) )                         
      cout << value << ' ';                                 
      value += increment;                                   
   } // end while                                           

   cout << "\nStack is full. Cannot push " << value         
      << "\n\nPopping elements from " << stackName << '\n'; 

   // pop elements from Stack                               
   while ( theStack.pop( value ) )                          
      cout << value << ' ';                                 

   cout << "\nStack is empty. Cannot pop" << endl;                
} // end function template testStack                                 

int main()
   Stack< double > doubleStack( 5 ); // size 5  
   Stack< int > intStack; // default size 10

   testStack( doubleStack, 1.1, 1.1, "doubleStack" );
   testStack( intStack, 1, 1, "intStack" );
} // end main

testStack函数中引用的原因是什么? 当我改变否定为

Stack< T > theStack,


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)






delete[] stackPtr; 

答案 1 :(得分:0)


var str = "my dog is an animal";

/dog*anim*/.test(str); //returns true
/d*mal/.test(str); //returns true