What's the difference between Rect and Rectangle?

时间:2015-07-31 20:27:21

标签: java android

I noticed that I can't use Rectangle in Android Studios because it doesn't support Java 8, but Android has Rect instead.

All of the tutorials I've seen were for general Java, so they didn't use Android's Rect.

Are there any major differences between Rect and Rectangle or can they be used interchangeably when I code? (Assuming I replace Rectangle with Rect, of course.)

NOTE : I'm using them to check for object collision.

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Rectangle is a class from Java 2D API.

Rect (and RectF) is a class from Android Draw API.

Java Rectangles are expressed as (xPos, yPos, width, height).

Android Rects are expressed as (left, top, right, bottom).

You must use the Android one.

To convert from (xywh) to (ltrb) the following is necessary:

Rect = new Rect(x, y, x + w, y + h);