将SSRS报告转换为Crystal Report

时间:2015-08-04 17:42:02

标签: crystal-reports


    select i.IncidentTypeDescription, 
    isnull(sum(datediff(second, i.IncidentStartedDateTime, i.IncidentDate)), 0) as avgrectoinit, 
    isnull(sum(datediff(second, i.IncidentDate, i.FirstUnitDispatchedTime)), 0) as avginittodisp, 
    isnull(abs(sum(datediff(second, i.FirstUnitDispatchedTime, i.FirstUnitArrivedTime))), 0) as avgdisptoarrive, 
    isnull(sum(datediff(second, i.FirstUnitArrivedTime, i.RouteClosedTime)), 0) as avgarrivetoclose, 
    count(*) as reccount
FROM MV_Incident i
WHERE i.IncidentNumber LIKE N'bvpd%'
    AND i.ReportNumber LIKE N'bvpd%'
    and i.IncidentStartedDateTime >= @StartDate
    and i.IncidentStartedDateTime <  dateadd(day, 1, @EndDate)
    and (
        (@ReportType = 'All') and (i.CallSource = i.CallSource or i.CallSource is null) or
        (@ReportType = 'Officer' and (i.CallSource in ('Officer', 'Mobile', 'Field Initiated', 'Mobile Initiated'))) or
        (@ReportType = 'NonOfficer' and (i.CallSource not in ('Officer', 'Mobile', 'Field Initiated', 'Mobile Initiated') or i.CallSource is NULL))
group by i.IncidentTypeDescription
order by i.IncidentTypeDescription

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



select i.IncidentTypeDescription, i.IncidentNumber ,i.ReportNumber ,i.CallSource ,
    isnull(sum(datediff(second, i.IncidentStartedDateTime, i.IncidentDate)), 0) as avgrectoinit, 
    isnull(sum(datediff(second, i.IncidentDate, i.FirstUnitDispatchedTime)), 0) as avginittodisp, 
    isnull(abs(sum(datediff(second, i.FirstUnitDispatchedTime, i.FirstUnitArrivedTime))), 0) as avgdisptoarrive, 
    isnull(sum(datediff(second, i.FirstUnitArrivedTime, i.RouteClosedTime)), 0) as avgarrivetoclose, 
    count(*) as reccount
FROM MV_Incident i
group by i.IncidentTypeDescription,i.IncidentNumber ,i.ReportNumber ,i.CallSource 
order by i.IncidentTypeDescription,i.IncidentNumber ,i.ReportNumber ,i.CallSource 

现在进行水晶报表设计并创建两个参数Start dateEnd Date,并将记录选择公式中的where条件写为:

i.IncidentNumber LIKE N'bvpd%'
    AND i.ReportNumber LIKE N'bvpd%'
    and i.IncidentStartedDateTime >= @StartDate
    and i.IncidentStartedDateTime <  dateadd(day, 1, @EndDate)
    and (
        (@ReportType = 'All') and (i.CallSource = i.CallSource or i.CallSource is null) or
        (@ReportType = 'Officer' and (i.CallSource in ('Officer', 'Mobile', 'Field Initiated', 'Mobile Initiated'))) or
        (@ReportType = 'NonOfficer' and (i.CallSource not in ('Officer', 'Mobile', 'Field Initiated', 'Mobile Initiated') or i.CallSource is NULL))

