詹金斯 - 测试运行未能完成

时间:2015-08-07 15:09:52

标签: android jenkins integration-testing


com.example.simpletest.MainActivityTest > testButton1Action[Android SDK built for x86 - 5.0.2] [31mFAILED [0m
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not launch intent Intent 
{ act=android.intent.action.MAIN flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.example.simpletest/.MainActivity }
within 45 seconds. Perhaps the main thread has not gone idle within a reasonable amount of time?
There could be an animation or something constantly repainting the screen. Or the
activity is doing network calls on creation? See the threaddump logs. For your reference
the last time the event queue was idle before your activity launch request was 1438954385239
and now the last time the queue went idle was: 1438954385249. If these numbers are the same your activity might be hogging the event queue. at android.support.test.runner.MonitoringInstrumentation.startActivitySync(MonitoringInstrumentation.java:315) Tests on Android SDK built for x86 - 5.0.2 failed: Test run failed to complete. Expected 8 tests, received 4 :app:connectedAndroidTestDebug FAILED


public void testButton1() throws Exception {
    Button btn = (Button) getActivity().findViewById(R.id.myButton1);

    assertTrue("Incorrect button 1 text!", btn.getText().equals("Button1"));


  • Mac OSX / Android Studio
  • 测试lib:Espresso
  • 最新和最好的Jenkins /插件



  • 使用现有的模拟器
  • 启动时重置模拟器状态
  • 模拟器选项:-no-audio


  • 执行shell: adb shell输入keyevent 82
  • gradle任务:clean build connectedAndroidTest


Name: Nexus5_21-Jenkins
CPU/ABI: Intel Atom (x86)
Path: /Users/someuser/.android/avd/Nexus5_21-Jenkins.avd
Target: Android 5.0.1 (API level 21)
Skin: nexus_5
SD Card: 100M
Snapshot: no
hw.lcd.density: 480
hw.dPad: no
avd.ini.encoding: UTF-8
hw.camera.back: none
disk.dataPartition.size: 200M
hw.gpu.enabled: yes
runtime.network.latency: none
skin.dynamic: yes
hw.keyboard: yes
runtime.network.speed: full
hw.device.hash2: MD5:2fa0e16c8cceb7d385183284107c0c88
hw.ramSize: 1536
tag.id: default
tag.display: Default
hw.sdCard: yes
hw.device.manufacturer: Google
hw.mainKeys: no
hw.accelerometer: yes
hw.trackBall: no
hw.device.name: Nexus 5
hw.sensors.proximity: yes
hw.battery: yes
AvdId: Nexus5_21-Jenkins
hw.sensors.orientation: yes
hw.audioInput: yes
hw.camera.front: none
hw.gps: yes
avd.ini.displayname: Nexus5_21-Jenkins
snapshot.present: no
vm.heapSize: 64
runtime.scalefactor: auto


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