
时间:2015-08-12 01:21:48

标签: python django datetime strftime

嗨我有一个unixtime标记(type = long)。因此,当我尝试通过以下方法转换为日期格式时,

function Animal(name, age){ var private_name = name; this.public_age = age; this.log = function(){ console.log('Animal', private_name, this.public_age); } this.toJson = function(){ return JSON.stringify({ __type__:'Animal', // name of class __args__:[this.public_age, private_name] // same args that construct }); } } Animal.prototype.age = function(){ return this.public_age; } var a = new Animal('boby', 6); worker.postMessage(JSON.stringify(a)); function reviver(o){ if(o.__type__){ var constructor=reviver.register[o.__type__]; if(!constructor) throw Error('__type__ not recognized'); var newObject = {}; return constructor.apply(newObject, o.__args__); } return o; } reviver.register={}; // you can register any classes reviver.register['Animal'] = Animal; worker.onmessage = function(m){ var a = JSON.parse(e, reviver); }

但它返回了错误def render_validation_time(self, value): x = value.filter(field_name='pdbstatus').latest('id') validated_time = int(x.date_modified) return validated_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") 我该如何解决这个问题?

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